CONVERGE – Solving the energy distribution in road construction Sweden has committed to meeting the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2045. Transport in the construction industry, as a whole, uses 35% of global produced energy and annually releases 40% of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Today, approx. 6% of Sweden’s local emissions come from...

Ökad säkerhet och minskade utsläpp i gruvindustrin

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, BTH, och Volvo Construction Equipment ska tillsammans arbeta för att minska utsläppen och för att minska antalet olycksfall i gruvindustrin. Det ska ske genom användandet av autonoma system och helt elektriska maskiner. Till sin hjälp används digitala tvillingar för att simulera olika effekter – en modell som forskarna vid BTH tagit fram.

Volvo Innovation Days 2019

Volvo held Innovation Days 2019 at the Volvo site in Wroclaw October 8-9. With Volvo being one of the core research partners BTH participated with keynotes, presentations and workshops in the conference where both presentations and poster exhibitions of innovation efforts within the company was displayed.

Volvo Ocean Race event with VCE Scaled Site

Centered around the idyllic backdrop of Newport, Rhode Island, Volvo Construction Equipment (VCE) was presenting a testament to their dedication towards the advancement of the construction industry. Over two days clients, customers and employees of VCE were exposed to tangible examples of how the company is continuing to be an innovation leader. VCE is making steady progress towards realizing their...

Volvo CE Innovation Conference 2017

Volvo CE held the yearly Innovation Conference in Eskilstuna early September. The intentions with this conference were for all participants to share competence, experience and knowledge by networking and creating together.

Autonomous operation on display at Innovation Day 2017

On Innovation Day, a yearly demonstration event for Blue Science Park, BTH, and entrepreneurial companies, Product Development Research Laboratory debuted it’s Volvo CE collaboration project. The scale site and its scale Volvo machines serve as an interactive demonstration tool for the potential impact of autonomous and electrified vehicles on future construction sites, as well as it is a display of the innovation...