sebastian sjöberg

Vi måste våga utmana

En feature-artikel på 10X Labs arbete med Affärsverken. Läs mer på

Hyperloop pod design day for students

It could be seen as crazy, or at least a little bit on the side, to focus time and efforts on designing pods for Elon Musks Hyperloop idea, or? The reasoning behind this can be read in “Why right now is the perfect moment to launch a Hyperloop startup“. At our research lab it makes perfect sense to dive into...

10X Labs

10x Labs is a research based accelerator environment. It exists to do two things. It explores how to build a drastically improved world upon exponential technologies. It also facilitates these insights, and the belief that springs from them, to others. The initiative was prototyped in late 2014 and launched at full scale early the following year. The core conviction that...