scaled site

Volvo CE Electric Site demo at EXCON 2019 in Bangalore

Volvo CE is making steady progress towards realizing their sustainable construction vehicle goals of zero accidents, zero emissions, zero unplanned stops and 10x increase in efficiency. The main strategies include Autonomization, Electrification and Site Optimization.

VCE Electric Site Scaled Demo

Volvo CE is making steady progress towards realizing their sustainable construction vehicle goals of zero accidents, zero emissions, zero unplanned stops and 10x increase in efficiency. The main strategies include Autonomization, Electrification and Site Optimization. Through a strong partnership with Skanska, a full scale prototype site outside of Göteborg between will include all of these elements. This is an excellent...

Makerdag för 8’e-klassare

Rödebyskolans 8’e-klassare (ett 50-tal) spenderade dagen i Karlskrona Makerspace under ledning av PDRL’s Tobias Larsson i syfte att bekanta sig mer med teknikutveckling samt att själva få jobba sig igenom en produktutvecklingsuppgift. Efter en introduktion till BTH och våra utbildningar, forskargruppens fokus på digital modelldriven produktutveckling, samt fått grunderna i vad ett makerspace är och används till så var det dags att experimentera lite...

Research demos at Innovation Day 2019

The Blue Science Park Innovation Day 2019 was yet another successful demonstration of BTH’s PhD students driven research. With a unique blend of industries represented at the event there was quite a buzz around the HoloLens Augmented Reality based prototypes created for autonomous construction vehicle interaction, and the Poppy Robot used for engineering student experiments.

Volvo Ocean Race event with VCE Scaled Site

Centered around the idyllic backdrop of Newport, Rhode Island, Volvo Construction Equipment (VCE) was presenting a testament to their dedication towards the advancement of the construction industry. Over two days clients, customers and employees of VCE were exposed to tangible examples of how the company is continuing to be an innovation leader. VCE is making steady progress towards realizing their...