Product-Service System

Congratulations Yan Zhang, Licentiate in Mechanical Engineering!

Yan Zhang presented his licentiate thesis entitled “Value co-creation for sustainable product service system design” in front of a crowd of local audience and online listeners. Yan made a popular presentation of the background of his research and the findings up until this point, where the servitization of industry is a driving force for digitalisation and value creation for the manufacturing...

Data Mining through Early Experience Prototyping: A step towards Data Driven Product Service System Design

ABSTRACT The construction industry is ripe for disruption through innovative solutions that provide added productivity. Equipment manufacturers are attempting to disrupt their industry with investments in autonomy, electrification and product-service system business models. Designing solutions that will operate in completely new systems or modify an existing complex system require new approaches to address the uncertainty of system impacts. An iterative...

Koteshwar Chirumalla presents licentiate thesis

[20110620] Koteshwar Chirumalla (PhD candidate of Tobias Larsson) on June 20 presented his Licentiate thesis “A Lightweight Knowledge Sharing Approach for Product-Service Systems Development” in the research subject Functional Product Development. External discussion leader in the seminar was Technology Development Director Jonas Rosen, PhD (Eurostep AB). Links: Lic thesis: A Lightweight Knowledge Sharing Approach for Product-Service Systems Development Research project: Faste Laboratory...

Fuel Efficient Transmission Technology Concepts: Design Methodology | 2009-2013

Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation – FFI Energy and environment PROJECT SUMMARY The need to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels is a major factor influencing governments and industry and decisions being made for future investments. In this vein, Volvo Construction Equipment AB has identified a new transmission technology which has been shown to offer a substantial saving in fuel consumption....

METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization | 2009-2011

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: PROJECT SUMMARY This project, Mechanical whole engine conceptual design and analysis:  A MEthodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automation, is a continuation of the pilot study project NFFP4202 – Mechanical whole engine modelling where a platform, together with a pilot that demonstrated the capability of the platform in an industrial scenario, was developed. This continuation...

People, Product and Process Perspectives on Product/Service-System Development

Book chapter published in “Introduction to Product/Service-System Design”. Abstract The adaptation of Product/Service-System calls for new development models. On one side this businesses give the manufacturing firm possibilities to redesign, upgrade and replace the discrete device that provides the performance their customers are asking for. On the other side, this new situation has to address aspects that are normally not...

Experience feedback | 2007-2009

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4103 Experience feedback 2007-2009 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY It is a central issue to be able to use the experience and knowledge in an organization in order to be competitive. Companies choose to specialize and focus on specific areas to some extent due to the reasoning that the company’s competitiveness will increase by offering products...

Simulation of Functional Products on a Sustainability Driven Market | 2008-2011

Knowledge Foundation and VINNOVA together with partner companies PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose is to develop an integrated approach to SPD (Sustainable Product Development) and FPD (Functional Product Development). The primary focus is on simulation support for prediction of risks and opportunities of extended value-chain cooperation around a full product life-cycle commitment. This is intended as input for prioritizations in product...

Experience feedback | 2007-2009

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4103 Experience feedback 2007-2009 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY It is a central issue to be able to use the experience and knowledge in an organization in order to be competitive. Companies choose to specialize and focus on specific areas to some extent due to the reasoning that the company’s competitiveness will increase by offering products...