Oral health
En smart tandborste kan förbättra livskvaliteten hos äldre
Efter att ha sett tandhälsan försämras drastiskt hos många av sina äldre patienter, började tandläkaren Johan Flyborg leta efter en lösning. Nu, efter fem års forskning inom tillämpad hälsoteknik vid BTH, kan han visa att en smart intelligent eltandborste kan göra stor skillnad för både äldres munhälsa och livskvalitet.
Results of objective brushing data recorded from a powered toothbrush used by elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment related to values for oral health
Abstract Objectives: The study aimed to investigate how the objective use of a powered toothbrush in frequency and duration affects plaque index, bleeding on probing, and periodontal pocket depth ≥ 4 mm in elderly individuals with MCI. A second aim was to compare the objective results with the participants’ self-estimated brush use. Materials and methods: Objective brush usage data was extracted...
A Solution with Bluetooth Low Energy Technology to Support Oral Healthcare Decisions for improving Oral Hygiene
Abstract The advent of powered toothbrushes and associated mobile health applications provides an opportunity to collect and monitor the data, however collecting reliable and standardized data from large populations has been associated with efforts from the participants and researchers. Finding a way to collect data autonomously and without the need for cooperation imparts the potential to build large knowledge banks....