
Newsletter: Student project attracting global attention | 2020:10

The continuous collaboration with Stanford on the global innovation course ME310 (sponsored by Volvo Group) has rendered global recognition! The ReGlove project is featured as one of 20 global finalists in The James Dyson Awards!  The winner is to be selected in November. Read newsletter

Newsletter: Ramping up research profile+

We did get the approval for the Profile+ extension (3 year / 55 MSEK) from the Knowledge Foundation, excellent!This means that we will further deepen the research in digital product development in order to support the transition to a sustainable society, and we will support our partners development of sustainable product-service systems suitable for the circular economy.

June news; Intense in delivery

During the month of June there was a lot of focus on presentations of research and also educational collaborations. See the full PDRL web for all the activities, below you find three items with direct links.

PrimCareIT web and Newsletter #1

PrimCareIT web and Newsletter #1

PrimCareIT web site is now up and running and will contain info on the project progress, and the first Newsletter is also out. Professor Tobias C. Larsson is chaired professor in Product Development at School of Engineering, BTH.