The MSPI experience with Behrad; “Those shots of Whiskies…”

My name is Behrad Mirafshar. Born in Ahvaz, Iran. Moved to Teheran, the capital at the age of 12. Tehran is a boiler plate. Many people live and hustle everyday to make it. Kind of NYC but in the middle east. My background is in mechanical engineering. I always fascinated how things work on the root level. Fluids mechanics fascinated...

CX.LINK for Volvo CE delivered at Stanford Expe

The Volvo CE Stanford ME310 project has been completed with the annual Stanford EXPE atStanford University on June 2nd. Students from MSPI and Mechanical Engineering at BTH together with Mechanical Engineering counterparts at Stanford have presented their results for how autonomous machines should collaborate and build trust with their human collaborators at future construction sites.

MSPI final thesis presentations, class of 2012

MSPI final thesis presentations, class of 2012

Check out how the MSPIs have explored sustainability, product-service systems and innovation through 9 great master’s thesis projects! May 29, and May 30, 2012, the students in the Masters program me in Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation, MSPI ( had their final presentations of their theses. The event was live casted in order to raise the possible attendance. Here you find...