
FFI Robust Machining | 2009-2012

VINNOVA Vehicle Development FFI 2009-2012 (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY New environmentally friendly, and safer, vehicles require lighter and stronger materials, something that requires developments in production technologies and processes. New ideas for knowledge automation and reuse enables better usage of machine data during the production process. The new concepts and methodologies will be developed and tested in industrial case studies PROJECT...

Digital Integrated Manufacturing | 2009-2011

DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing INTERREG IV:A:NORD 2009-2011 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY Benefits of new technology are not just for bigger enterprises! Is Your company productive and competitive? Even in the future competition?Against new actors and technology? Or might there be things You could do more efficient with new tools! What? How? How to find out? These type of questions are...