Measuring for Innovation – A Guide for Innovative Teams

White paper on measuring innovation team capability, with industrial cases. How do we know that we are innovative? This question was asked by a manager of a software development team with the explicit responsibility of creating and analyzing innovative product features before actual product development projects are started. Similar questions have been raised in many other organizations as innovation has...

SåNätt – Collaboration as Enabler for Light Weight Vehicles | 2011-2013

Objectives: SÅNÄTT is a collaborative project driven by the common goal of strengthening the competitiveness of the Swedish automotive industry through lightweight innovation. Academics, automotive suppliers and one vehicle manufacturer collaborated in the research and development of design concepts aimed to cost effectively reduce the weight of a classic family saloon by 20-40%. Increase supply chain collaboration to create new products...

New research project within the MERA programme

New research project within the MERA programme

LTU fick ett nytt forskningsprojekt beviljat inom MERA-programmet (kallades innan Trollhätte-paketet) som syftar till att stärka svensk fordonsindustris konkurrenskraft. Projektet heter “Digitalt Länkad Processtyrning – Erfarenhetsåterkoppling DLP-E” och har Volvo Aero Corporation som huvudsökande. Partners är LTU, Volvo Aero, KTH, Högskolan Väst, Volvo Powertrain, Innovatum AB, UGS, Hexagon Metrology, Zooma by Semcon AB, Erixon och Bonthron, Celero. Projektets totala budget...

PIEp – Product Innovation Engineering Programme | 2006-2015

PIEp, Product Innovation Engineering Program is a Swedish national program with the purpose of strengthening the ability in innovative product- and business development. PROJECT SUMMARY PIEp, Product Innovation Engineering Program is a Swedish national program with the purpose of strengthening the ability in innovative product- and business development. PIEp encompasses the field from theory to practice, from research in innovation...

Design för välbefinnande

Design för välbefinnande

Innovationer för människor – det är vad projektet ”Design för välbefinnande” vid Luleå tekniska universitet går ut på. Om människors behov fångas och tas tillvara väl kan tekniken hjälpa oss att må bättre, och det är denna grundsyn som vägleder elva av studenterna i årets upplaga av kursen SIRIUS – Kreativ produktutveckling. Tillsammans med studenter från Stanford University i Kalifornien...