Knowledge Enabled Engineering

PrimCareIT | 2012-2014

PrimCareIT Counteracting brain drain and professional isolation of health professionals in remote primary health care through tele-consultation and tele-mentoring to strengthen social conditions in remote BSR. EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 (BSR INTERREG IVB), 2009-2012 (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) is confronted with an ageing population, which leads to a rising demand for primary...

CRESCENDO | 2009-2012

CRESCENDO – Collaborative and Robust Engineering using Simulation Capability Enabling Next Design Optimisation EU FP7 Integrated Project 2009-2012 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY The IMG4 project CRESCENDO addresses the Vision 2020 objectives for the aeronautical industry by contributing significantly to the fulfilment of three specific targets of the aeronautical industry’s Strategic Research Agenda. CRESCENDO will develop the foundations for the Behavioural Digital...

Methods and Tools for Knowledge Sharing in Product Development

Abstract The emerging industrial business partnerships, which feature cross-functional and cross-company development efforts, raise the barrier for the establishment of effective knowledge sharing practices in the larger organization. This chapter aims to highlight the role of knowledge as a key enabler for effective engineering activities in the light of such emerging enterprise collaboration models. Knowledge Enabled Engineering (KEE) is presented...

METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization | 2009-2011

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: PROJECT SUMMARY This project, Mechanical whole engine conceptual design and analysis:  A MEthodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automation, is a continuation of the pilot study project NFFP4202 – Mechanical whole engine modelling where a platform, together with a pilot that demonstrated the capability of the platform in an industrial scenario, was developed. This continuation...

Experience feedback | 2007-2009

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4103 Experience feedback 2007-2009 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY It is a central issue to be able to use the experience and knowledge in an organization in order to be competitive. Companies choose to specialize and focus on specific areas to some extent due to the reasoning that the company’s competitiveness will increase by offering products...

MERA DLP-E | 2007-2009

MERA – Manufacturing Engineering Research Area DLP-E – Digitally Linked Process control – Experience feedback 2007-2009 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY In this project, the academic research is joined with the industrial developments to reach a dominant process for component manufacturing and increase the industrial competitiveness through knowledge based production in Sweden. The aim is to develop a digital/virtual, and physical process...

CRESCENDO – Collaborative and Robust Engineering using Simulation Capability Enabling Next Design Optimisation | 2009-2012

CRESCENDO – Collaborative and Robust Engineering using Simulation Capability Enabling Next Design Optimisation EU FP7 Integrated Project 2009-2012 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY The IMG4 project CRESCENDO addresses the Vision 2020 objectives for the aeronautical industry by contributing significantly to the fulfilment of three specific targets of the aeronautical industry’s Strategic Research Agenda. CRESCENDO will develop the foundations for the Behavioural Digital...

Simulation of Functional Products on a Sustainability Driven Market | 2008-2011

Knowledge Foundation and VINNOVA together with partner companies PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose is to develop an integrated approach to SPD (Sustainable Product Development) and FPD (Functional Product Development). The primary focus is on simulation support for prediction of risks and opportunities of extended value-chain cooperation around a full product life-cycle commitment. This is intended as input for prioritizations in product...

ProViking THINK – Teams for Heterogeneous Innovation Knowledge | 2008-2012

 Project summary The concept of product-service system (PSS), or functional product development, will be a main component in a future sustainable society. A PSS paradigm will, not only, change the use of products and services, but also the development approaches. This since the responsibility of the physical artefact throughout the life-cycle is remaining with the providing enterprise. The perspectives of...

The Faste Laboratory for Functional Product Innovation | 2007-2016

The Faste Laboratory – A VINN Excellence Centre VINN Excellence Centre for Functional Product Innovation. 2007-2016 (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY Functional Product Innovation will be the main contribution to sustainable growth in that the function provider will have the responsibility of the physical artefact throughout the life-cycle and by innovations also have the capacity to continuously improve the customer value. Vision:...