internet of things

The influence of industry 4.0 on product design and development: Conceptual foundations and literature review

Abstract Since its introduction in 2011, industry 4.0 has been coined the“4th industrial revolution” following mechanization, industrialization and IT/automation as the first three, and represents the current trend of automation technologies (cyber‐physical systems, internet of things, cloudcomputing, etc.,) in the manufacturing industry, with their potential for disruption of the manufacturing paradigm as we know it. However, the effect and role...

The new compact Cyber Physical Factory!

With the ongoing transformation of industrial product development and production, and especially how Internet of Things (IoT), smart factories, cyber-physical systems and big data are driving technology capability – solutions must be ever faster, more diverse, more flexible and more intelligent, as well as sustainable, feasible, viable and desired. Together with Festo we are now installing an industry 4.0 facility to support...

Let the machines talk! Towards data-driven product development

Leonardo da Vinci is remembered in history as a “universal genius”, he was an artist, a scientist, a mathematician and an engineer. He generated a huge amount of  ideas and sketches of  revolutionary concepts in his days. Although, almost none of these became reality. Why was it like that? What is the reason that brilliant ideas don’t become innovations – in...

Uppstartsmöte Marin Teknik – Blue Science Park

Den 29 april samlades flera olika företag hos Blue Science Park för uppstarten av nätverk inom Marin teknik. Mötet inleddes av Magnus Forsbrand, VD, som presenterade Blue Science Park. Efter det presenterade Oscar Frånberg från BTH deras nya Civilingenjörsutbildning inom Marin teknik som kommer starta i augusti 2018. Professor Tobias Larsson, BTH, avslutade mötet med att prata om Internet of...