RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027

RESIST is a five-year project that has emerged from the need to make regions more resilient to climate change. The project will adopt a new practical framework in which climate adaptation pathways will be tested in four EU regions with different socioeconomic profiles: Southwest Finland, Central Denmark, Catalonia and Central Portugal.   Each region will test adaptation solutions to five key climate challenges: floods,...

PrimCareIT kick-off in Seinäjoki

PrimCareIT kick-off in Seinäjoki

February 6-8, PrimCareIT project held a kickoff to get the project started. The kickoff took place in Seinäjoki in Finland. A beautiful place in this cold winter, when sun is shining and air is dry and crisp. With a start at Mediwest we carried out strategic planning in the project board, went through the objectives and goals of the project...

NeedInn – Need Centered Product Innovation within E-health | 2005-2007

EC Regional Programme for Innovative Actions 2005-2007 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY Needfinding and innovation are the keywords of NeedInn. The goal for NeedInn is to create a method, a working process, which contributes to a need centered product development process within e-health. To make this happen we need to develop a way to find the needs and to make them more...