eskil andreasson

Studenter prisade av Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan

På den årliga stipendieutdelningen från Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan (i år online pga pandemin) fick fyra examensarbeten från BTH Maskinteknik priser. Vi gratulerar pristagarna! Mer information For more information: Product Development Research Lab Director, Professor Tobias C. Larsson,, +46(0)455-385525

Congratulations Eskil Andreasson, Doctor of Philosophy!

Eskil Andreasson successfully defended his PhD thesis “Mechanics and Failure in Thin Material Layers –  Towards Realistic Package Opening Simulation” in front of a full house and grading committee, and after thorough questioning by the opponent Gabriella Bolzon (Politecnic University of Milan, Italy)