Decision making


Abstract The design of Product-Service Systems (PSS) is challenging due to the inherent complexities and the associated uncertainties. This challenge aggravates when the PSS being considered has a longer lifespan, is expected to encounter a dynamic context, and integrates many novel technologies. From systems engineering literature, one of the measures for mitigating the risks associated with the uncertainties is incorporating...

The Model-Driven Decision Arena: Augmented Decision-Making for Product-Service Systems Design

Abstract The shift towards Product-Service Systems (PSS) stresses the need to embed new and unique capabilities in Decision Support Systems, with the aim of helping the engineering team in handling the pool of information and knowledge available during decision events. Emerging from a multiple case study in the Swedish manufacturing industry, this paper describes the development of the Model-Driven Decision...

A model-driven decision arena: Augmenting decision making in early design

ABSTRACT A wide variety of expert competencies, transcending traditional disciplines, are needed to foresee and evaluate the impact of decisions in the conceptual phase of engineering design. Where this previously was a trade-off regarding design and development of the pure physical artefact it is now a complex ambiguity game involving all disciplines touching a solution during its lifecycle, due to...

Mining data to design value: a demonstrator in early design

ABSTRACT The paper presents a study run to verify the applicability of data mining algorithms as decision support in early design stages of a product development project. The paper describes a two-stage scenario providing the rationale for the application of data science in engineering design. Furthermore, it describes a demonstrator showing how data can be fed back to the early...

BTH PDRL at the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design 2017

“Good design is elegant, effective, efficient and simple. How can we teach that spirit, learn that ethic, embrace it culturally and plan for its sustainability?” is the introduction to this year’s International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED, which will be held in Vancouver, Canada.

Challenges for Experience Feedback in Engineering Design

Challenges for Experience Feedback in Engineering Design

Research paper published in Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Abstract In this paper empirical finding from a study conducted at an aerospace company is compared to theory regarding Experience Feedback (EF), Lessons Learned (LL) and Decision Making (DM). The purpose with the study was to examine how EF...