Cross-functional teams

PSS Extreme Innovation projects released!

PSS Extreme Innovation projects released!

In the international masters programme in Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation, MSPI there is project course with live industrial projects; PSS Extreme Innovation. For 4 months the students team up with companies to work on their challenges, trying to deliver innovative solutions to their challenges. The course is focused on, together with externa partner, carrying out a product-service system innovation project with...

Knowledge Sharing Across Boundaries: Web 2.0 and Product-Service System Development

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD’11. Abstract In recent years there has been a growing interest among product development organizations to capitalize on engineering knowledge as their core competitive advantage for innovation. Capturing, storing, retrieval, sharing and reusing of engineering knowledge from a wide range of enterprise memory systems have become...