Christian Johansson

V-Com presented at Stanford University

V-Com, a precautionary system that communicates safety-critical information between truck drivers and vulnerable road users was presented by six final year MSc students from Blekinge Institute of Technology and Stanford University at this year’s Stanford EXPE – design experience. In their capstone project, ME310, which runs from October to June, they move in a Design Thinking process through phases of...

Time-location matrix

Kicking off a new year of Global student innovation

On Saturday September 22 we will kick off a new year of global student innovation projects. Students will be invited to a day of exploring how new tech can address tomorrow’s challenges, all under the coaching and guiding of researchers from the Product Development Research Lab. Students who want to take part in the workshop is Requested to Sign Up Here.

The decision theater, transforming data into knowledge in conceptual design

One success factor in engineering design is the ability to make effective and risk-managed decisions in a timely manner. Rarely is a single person sufficient to resolve today’s complex, connected issues. Rather, a group of stakeholders possessing required expert knowledge needs to be enrolled as these issues normally requires a wide variety of expert competences, transcending traditional disciplines. Where this...

National PhD course in product development modeling and simulation

During two days some 25 people gathered at BTH campus and Product Development Research Lab to take part in session #2 of the National PhD course “Modeling Simulation and Optimization in the Engineering Product Development Process“.The course is given in collaboration between BTH, Chalmers, Linköping University and partner organisations Product Development Academy in Sweden and Swedish Production Academy via Produktion2030 educational programme, and...

Deltagarrekord på årets Robothon

Under höstlovet passade vi återigen på att tillsammans med Molybden och Hyper Island arrangera ett Robothon för ungdomar i kommunen, det 5’e i ordningen i denna konstellationen. Årets evenemang var fullbokat, 40 ungdomar deltog under dagen (nytt deltagarrekord) i Hyper Islands kreativa lokaler.

The Future of Construction

On Saturday September 30 a diverse team of 27 students from many of BTH’s master programs took on the challenge of innovating the Future of the Construction industry together with Volvo CE’s emerging technologies.