Applied Health Technology

Congratulations Shahryar Eivazzadeh, PhD!

Today, Shahryar had a day of presentation and discussion as he defended his PhD thesis “Evaluating Success Factors of Health Information Systems” in front of family, friends and colleagues at Blekinge Institute of Technology. Shahryar was defending his thesis in the research subject of Applied health technology, and after the opponent Prof. Maria Lindén (Mälardalen University) had fired away it was up for the grading committee of...

QHelf – Life by design

Preventative wellness will be tomorrow’s answer to the reactive healthcare of today. Through intrepid prototyping we’re designing how to best match different types of people with the best human feedback and computer analysis. Read more at

FI-STAR – Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research | 2013-2015

Objective FI-STAR will establish early trials in the Health Care domain building on Future Internet (FI) technology leveraging on the outcomes of FI-PPP Phase 1. It will become self-sufficient after the end of the project and will continue on a sustainable business model by several partners. In order to meet the requirements of a global Health industry FI-STAR will use...

Innovation and development within health approved

Innovation and development within health approved

Region Blekinge, County Council of Blekinge and BTH are starting a new project with the focus to create a cluster for innovation and development within the health sector. BTH will coordinated the project that is hosted at BTH. The project has been developed by Tobias Larsson and Mats Löfdahl in close collaboration with the upcoming cluster partners. More information: Region...

PrimCareIT | 2012-2014

PrimCareIT Counteracting brain drain and professional isolation of health professionals in remote primary health care through tele-consultation and tele-mentoring to strengthen social conditions in remote BSR. EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 (BSR INTERREG IVB), 2009-2012 (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) is confronted with an ageing population, which leads to a rising demand for primary...

PrimCareIT kick-off in Seinäjoki

PrimCareIT kick-off in Seinäjoki

February 6-8, PrimCareIT project held a kickoff to get the project started. The kickoff took place in Seinäjoki in Finland. A beautiful place in this cold winter, when sun is shining and air is dry and crisp. With a start at Mediwest we carried out strategic planning in the project board, went through the objectives and goals of the project...

NeedInn – Need Centered Product Innovation within E-health | 2005-2007

EC Regional Programme for Innovative Actions 2005-2007 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY Needfinding and innovation are the keywords of NeedInn. The goal for NeedInn is to create a method, a working process, which contributes to a need centered product development process within e-health. To make this happen we need to develop a way to find the needs and to make them more...