3D scanning

Results from Digital Integrated Manufacturing project

Results from Digital Integrated Manufacturing project

The DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing project was created in order to demonstrate use of advanced technology from research into practical use. Tobias Larsson initiated the project together with Centria and Högskolan Narvik. It is now nice to see the deployment of the project results via PhD Henrik Nergård in the latest news article from Product Innovation research unit “Digitized reindeer...

Digital Integrated Manufacturing | 2009-2011

DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing INTERREG IV:A:NORD 2009-2011 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY Benefits of new technology are not just for bigger enterprises! Is Your company productive and competitive? Even in the future competition?Against new actors and technology? Or might there be things You could do more efficient with new tools! What? How? How to find out? These type of questions are...