Tobias Larsson

Tillämpad simulering och internet of things för minskat svinn vid plåtpressning

Tillsammans med Volvo Cars (Olofström), Telenor Connexion och Blue Science Part som koordinator har ett forsknings- och tillämpningsprojekt utförts inom “Test-arena Blekinge” med syfte att omvandla teori till praktisk tillämpbar kunskap inom Industri 4.0. Den industriella digitaliseringen har pågått sedan 90-talet och med senaste decenniets utveckling av “sakernas Internet” eller Internet of Things så öppnar sig fler möjligheter till att...

Sustainable shared mobility

On 17 September, Karlskrona Municipality organized the digital conference “Sustainable shared mobility” where the question of how sustainable transport solutions can be a good deal even for smaller cities. Read more about the conference (and see it in its entirety) at . Professor Tobias Larsson participated with a lecture; “From fossil to electric; Transformation of infrastructure and vehicles”. Below...

Tobias Larson in the podcast Future Industry

The podcast Future Industry was this week hosted by Professor Tobias Larsson, from Blekinge Institute of Technology. He talks about how those with digital models and simulations early in product development can calculate costs, values and environmental impact for the end product. Find the podcast and more about the research at the link below. Att förutse produkters hållbarhet innan de...

Studentidé blev rullande handskfabrik

Att vara självförsörjande på sjukvårdsartiklar, till exempel engångshandskar, skulle underlätta inom vården. Nu har BTH:s studenter tagit fram en rullande handskfabrik som kan förflyttas mellan olika platser där handskar behövs.

Designing integrated solutions for resource-limited societies

Abstract Poverty is characterized by many different constraints at individual, institutional, economic, and technological levels. To satisfy unmet or underserved needs of people living in poverty, it is essential to address all the relevant constraints in the target context through the design of integrated solutions. Although previous studies in this field have indicated that designing such solutions requires involvement of...

The Model-Driven Decision Arena: Augmented Decision-Making for Product-Service Systems Design

Abstract The shift towards Product-Service Systems (PSS) stresses the need to embed new and unique capabilities in Decision Support Systems, with the aim of helping the engineering team in handling the pool of information and knowledge available during decision events. Emerging from a multiple case study in the Swedish manufacturing industry, this paper describes the development of the Model-Driven Decision...

Vi måste våga utmana

En feature-artikel på 10X Labs arbete med Affärsverken. Läs mer på