Newsletter: Ramping up research profile+

We did get the approval for the Profile+ extension (3 year / 55 MSEK) from the Knowledge Foundation, excellent!This means that we will further deepen the research in digital product development in order to support the transition to a sustainable society, and we will support our partners development of sustainable product-service systems suitable for the circular economy.

Girls invited for inspirational day in engineering

In collaboration with Womengineering ( BTH invited young girls on the “Introduce a Girl to Engineering”-day ( where we showed the engineering education and created an interface towards being an engineering by allowing girls to meet with students and teachers, and also get a chance to experiment with problem solving.

Research demos at Innovation Day 2019

The Blue Science Park Innovation Day 2019 was yet another successful demonstration of BTH’s PhD students driven research. With a unique blend of industries represented at the event there was quite a buzz around the HoloLens Augmented Reality based prototypes created for autonomous construction vehicle interaction, and the Poppy Robot used for engineering student experiments.

Seminarie: Modelldriven produktutveckling

Sedan 2013 har BTH tillsammans med företagspartners drivit ett forskningsprojekt med fokus på modelldriven utveckling och beslutsstöd fokuserat på att stödja framtagningen av morgondagens hållbara produkt-tjänstelösningar. Projektet avslutas Mars 2019 och resultat börjar finnas tillgängliga. I samarbete med SIG-PM och Produktutvecklingsakademin höll projektet en resultatsession fokuserat på hur ett modellbaserat arbetssätt kan användas vid produktutveckling.

Most Influential Qualities in Creating Satisfaction Among the Users of Health Information Systems: Study in Seven European Union Countries

ABSTRACT Background: Several models suggest how the qualities of a product or service influence user satisfaction. Models such as the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and Delone and McLean Information Systems Success demonstrate those relations and have been used in the context of health information systems. Objective: This study aimed to investigate which qualities foster greater satisfaction among patient...

Successful research on innovative product development

ince 2013, one of BTH´s focus area in research has been on innovative product development.Now after five years, an initial evaluation has been made and the results are very positive – the researchers have been active and it is high quality of scientific production.

Welcome as industrial PhD candidate Martin Frank!

Martin Frank is an industrial PhD candidate at BTH. Working as Research Engineer within Emerging Technologies at Volvo Construction Equipment he’ll now “double” by doing his PhD with a focus on data-driven design for autonomous systems. Martin is contributing to, and doing research in, the KKS research profile “Model Driven Development and Decision Support“.

Time-location matrix

Kicking off a new year of Global student innovation

On Saturday September 22 we will kick off a new year of global student innovation projects. Students will be invited to a day of exploring how new tech can address tomorrow’s challenges, all under the coaching and guiding of researchers from the Product Development Research Lab. Students who want to take part in the workshop is Requested to Sign Up Here.