Tobias Larsson
150+ research papers | 32 PhD's examined | 3.2 bn SEK in research funding
Implementation of open innovation practices in Swedish manufacturing industry

Implementation of open innovation practices in Swedish manufacturing industry

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design. Abstract The notion of open innovation has quickly gained interest of both practitioners and researches. However, there is a lack on studies on this research topic. Thus, the main purpose of the study is to get a deeper understanding of how can large firms can implement open...

A methodology for evaluating technology readiness during product development

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED’09. Abstract In today’s highly competitive global markets, where products are driven by rapidly advancing technologies and the ever-increasing expectations of the customer, robust methods for identifying new technologies and assessing their suitability and readiness within the context of the product development process are essential… Keywords Technology...

Development of product-service systems: challenges and opportunities for the manufacturing firm

Development of product-service systems: challenges and opportunities for the manufacturing firm

Research paper published in Journal of Engineering Design. Abstract Product-Service Systems (PSS) raise interesting opportunities for the manufacturing firm as the function is provided to meet customer needs rather than the physical hardware itself. PSS offerings based on the manufacturer’s knowledge about the product and the technology can increase its status as problem-solver and solution-provider, reduce life cycle cost and...

New research project within aerospace development!

2009-06: Division of Functional Product Development, in collaboration with Solid Mechanics, Material Mechanics, and Volvo Aero have been granted 4.4 MSEK over two years for “METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization”. The project intends to develop methodologies for analysis of whole engine concepts in aerospace applications using Systems Modelling and Simulation Driven Design and Product Development. One step...

Experience feedback | 2007-2009

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4103 Experience feedback 2007-2009 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY It is a central issue to be able to use the experience and knowledge in an organization in order to be competitive. Companies choose to specialize and focus on specific areas to some extent due to the reasoning that the company’s competitiveness will increase by offering products...

MERA DLP-E | 2007-2009

MERA – Manufacturing Engineering Research Area DLP-E – Digitally Linked Process control – Experience feedback 2007-2009 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY In this project, the academic research is joined with the industrial developments to reach a dominant process for component manufacturing and increase the industrial competitiveness through knowledge based production in Sweden. The aim is to develop a digital/virtual, and physical process...

LTU positionerar svensk flygforskning på europakartan

LTU positionerar svensk flygforskning på europakartan

Professor Tobias Larsson på LTU, Luleå tekniska universitet har blivit utvald att delta i en grupp som ska utarbeta en gemensam, nationell forskningsagenda för flygindustrin. Mer information: NRA Flyg:  PDF: Luleå tekniska universitet – LTU positionerar svensk flygforskning på europakartan – Mynewsdesk – 20090429

Creating an aerospace research agenda

2009-04: Professor Tobias Larsson from the Division of FPD has been chosen to take part in a working group that aims to create a national research agenda for the Swedish aerospace industry. Interim results are presented at the Paris Air Show in June. The working group, which consists of representatives from research organizations and industry companies, will develop a strategic...

Product-service systems – from customer needs to requirements in early development phases

Product-service systems – from customer needs to requirements in early development phases

Research paper published in Proceedings of IPS2 – CIRP Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference 2009. Abstract Framed by Product-Service Systems (PSS), this paper discuss how needs and requirements are applied in early phases. In product development literature these and closely related terms are mixed, and a focus on gathering customer information about goods and their use guides the development team. This theoretical...

Challenges for Industrial Product/Service Systems – Experiences from a learning network of large companies

Challenges for Industrial Product/Service Systems – Experiences from a learning network of large companies

Research paper published in Conference: IPS2 – CIRP Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference 2009. Abstract In Sweden, manufacturers have a growing need to extend the control of their products in the supply chain. This need is fulfilled by some manufacturers through the use of a product/service system business approach. This paper explores how a group of Swedish manufacturers, working together with academia,...