Tobias Larsson
150+ research papers | 32 PhD's examined | 3.2 bn SEK in research funding

Towards open innovation practices in aerospace industry : challenges and opportunities

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD’11. Abstract Across industrial settings and environmental conditions, innovation is viewed as a source of advancing firms’ competitive position. Recently, a shift has been witnessed from the traditional innovation model, which mainly focused on internal research and development (R&D) towards open innovation. In this study, we...

Knowledge Sharing Across Boundaries: Web 2.0 and Product-Service System Development

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD’11. Abstract In recent years there has been a growing interest among product development organizations to capitalize on engineering knowledge as their core competitive advantage for innovation. Capturing, storing, retrieval, sharing and reusing of engineering knowledge from a wide range of enterprise memory systems have become...

A case study of how knowledge based engineering tools support experience re-use

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design. Abstract A manufacturing company’s unique intellectual capital is to a large extent built on experience from its own product development and manufacturing processes. Thus, methods and tools to utilize and benefit from this experience in an efficient way have an impact on a company’s ability to...

Leveraging cross-functional knowledge for Product-Service System development  – a study of a lightweight collaborative approach in a knowledge life cycle perspective

Leveraging cross-functional knowledge for Product-Service System development – a study of a lightweight collaborative approach in a knowledge life cycle perspective

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD’11. Abstract In recent years there has been a growing interest among product development organizations to capitalize on engineering knowledge as their core competitive advantage for innovation. Capturing, storing, retrieval and sharing of engineering knowledge from a wide range of enterprise memory systems has become crucial...

Design of user-centred wireless sensor technology in sports – an empirical study of elite kayak athletes

Design of user-centred wireless sensor technology in sports – an empirical study of elite kayak athletes

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD’11. Abstract University research is demanded to be more need-driven and user- centred in order to address and solve problems and needs of the market. In the present study a group of athletes and coaches has been analysed on their lead user characteristics. Some of the...

Congrats on your licentiate, Johan!

Starting from today, Johan Wenngren can title himself Licentiate in Engineering in Functional Product Development since he has presented and discussed his licentiate thesis. The title of the thesis is: Teambased Innovation – early problem setting activities in engineering design. Johan is part of the research project ProViking THINK (Teams for Heterogeneous Innovation Knowledge)and he describes different innovation processes in...

Johan Wenngren presents licentiate thesis

[20101220] Johan Wenngren (PhD candidate of Tobias Larsson) on December 20 presented his Licentiate thesis “Teambased Innovation – early problem setting activities in engineering design” in the research subject Functional Product Development. Johan is part of the research project ProViking THINK (Teams for Heterogeneous Innovation Knowledge) and he describes different innovation processes in his thesis. He has focused the technical...

Many want to learn more about measuring for innovation

Many want to learn more about measuring for innovation

Within the PIEp research programme the research project on “Measuring Innovation in Teams – MINT” has focused important metrics to understand if teams are performing in terms of their innovation task at hand. An important and, according to the workshop attendance, very interesting area since the result of innovation efforts come when product/service hit the market and that might be...

Flygteknik 2010

Ola Isaksson, Tobias Larsson, Marcus Sandberg and Johanna Wallin contributed to the national aero space congress Flygteknik 2010 that was held Oct 18-19, in Stockholm. Carl Cederström. Aviation celebrates 100 years in Sweden 100 years have now passed since Baron Carl Cederström flue an airplane in Sweden. To acknowledge this achievement and emphasize the importance of retaining a continuously strong...

Prospective service innovation in automotive testing – beyond distributed technology

Research paper published in International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning. Abstract In this paper, a Remote Technology Management (RTM) solution is presented for the purpose of elaborating on how it can bring about opportunities for new innovative services in the automotive winter testing industry. The idea is to visualise how service providers can go from a product focus to...