Tobias Larsson
150+ research papers | 32 PhD's examined | 3.2 bn SEK in research funding

Expanding the social dimension: Towards a knowledge base for product-service innovation

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design. Abstract The extension of businesses to incorporate the provision of function as a service in supplement to standalone products is an ongoing movement in manufacturing industry. In short, this means that the development intent should be guided by the need of ‘performance in use’ that the customer...

Koteshwar Chirumalla presents licentiate thesis

[20110620] Koteshwar Chirumalla (PhD candidate of Tobias Larsson) on June 20 presented his Licentiate thesis “A Lightweight Knowledge Sharing Approach for Product-Service Systems Development” in the research subject Functional Product Development. External discussion leader in the seminar was Technology Development Director Jonas Rosen, PhD (Eurostep AB). Links: Lic thesis: A Lightweight Knowledge Sharing Approach for Product-Service Systems Development Research project: Faste Laboratory...

BTH partner in SåNätt research project

BTH partner in SåNätt research project

[20110618] A light car consumes less fuel and uses less material in manufacturing. SAAB Automobile, together with academic and industrial partners, have started a new project where BTH takes part. SåNätt (from classic Saab Sonett) is a suitable name given the direction of the project – focus on resource efficiency with sustainable development in mind. It is both about the...

Åsa Kastensson presents licentiate thesis

[20110613] Åsa Kastensson (PhD candidate of Tobias Larsson, and Industrial PhD candidate at SAAB Automobile) on June 13 presented her Licentiate thesis “Managing innovation projects : a perspective of explore and exploit” in the research subject Functional Product Development. External discussion leader in the seminar was Dr. Annika Zika-Viktorsson (VINNOVA, Stockholm). Links: Lic thesis: Managing innovation projects : a perspective of...

Peter Thor presents licentiate thesis

[20110613] Peter Thor (PhD candidate of Tobias Larsson, and Industrial PhD candidate at Volvo Aero) on June 13 presented his Licentiate thesis “Enabling Engineering Support for the Integrated Products and Service Innovation” in the research subject Functional Product Development. External discussion leader in the seminar was Associate Professor Erik Sundin (Linköping University). Links: Lic thesis: Enabling Engineering Support for the...

Petter Andersson defends PhD thesis

[20110608] Petter Andersson (PhD candidate of Tobias Larsson, and Industrial PhD candidate at Volvo Aero) on June 8 successfully defended his PhD thesis “Support for Re-use of Manufacturing Experience in Product Development – From an Aerospace Perspective” in the research subject Functional Product Development. Opponent in the session was Senior Lecturer Claudia Eckert (Open University, Department of Design, Leicestershire, United Kingdom)....

Research centre workshop

Research centre workshop

[20110527] Some 30 people from swedish companies and organisations participated in the first workshop in a series to establish a research center with BTH as node. The center will focus on Sustainable Development, Product-Service System Innovation, and Simulation-Driven Design. The application areas are up for discussion but will most likely be around the industrial sector judging from the participants. During...

Product-Service Innovation workshop and panel session at 2011 World Student Environmental Summit

Product-Service Innovation workshop and panel session at 2011 World Student Environmental Summit

[2011-05-20] From May 17-22 the World Student Environmental Summit took place at BTH in Karlskrona. WSES: “The World Student Environmental Summit (WSES) is a student-run convention on fundamental contemporary sustainability issues. It provides a platform for students all over the world to gather together to ask meaningful questions and create solutions towards alternative futures. Top-class personalities from science, humanities and...

Lean Innovation workshop at Landstinget Blekinge

Lean Innovation workshop at Landstinget Blekinge

[2011-04-17]. A network workshop meeting for “Chefer och Ledare Blekinge” was March 17 held at Kompetenscentrum in Karlskrona. At  this occasion, Professor Tobias Larsson from Blekinge Institute of Technology, was invited to talk about his experiences from research and development in product development that may be beneficial for the County Council of Blekinge. Tobias”packaged” it as a “Lean Innovation” workshop and presented  the challenges to achieve profitability in the development and sale of aircrafts, and the way aerospace companies go about reducing costs, improving efficiency and adding...

Measuring for Innovation – A Guide for Innovative Teams

White paper on measuring innovation team capability, with industrial cases. How do we know that we are innovative? This question was asked by a manager of a software development team with the explicit responsibility of creating and analyzing innovative product features before actual product development projects are started. Similar questions have been raised in many other organizations as innovation has...