Tobias Larsson
150+ research papers | 32 PhD's examined | 3.2 bn SEK in research funding
PSS Extreme Innovation projects released!

PSS Extreme Innovation projects released!

In the international masters programme in Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation, MSPI there is project course with live industrial projects; PSS Extreme Innovation. For 4 months the students team up with companies to work on their challenges, trying to deliver innovative solutions to their challenges. The course is focused on, together with externa partner, carrying out a product-service system innovation project with...

Knowledge seminar at Blekinge Health Arena

Knowledge seminar at Blekinge Health Arena

Blekinge Institute of Technology, and Blekinge Health Arena offered a Knowledge Seminar in the TestLab at Blekinge Health Arena, situated at Rosenholm in Karlskrona. Research plays a central and vital role in the development of Blekinge Health Arena. On the themes of  physical activity, health and technology, Blekinge Institute of Technology, and Blekinge Health Arena jointly organized a knowledge-based seminar in which current projects, and completed studies were presented. As a guest lecturer during the day was Per Nilsson, Director General...

Measuring innovation seminar at INDEK11 conference

Measuring innovation seminar at INDEK11 conference

How do we know that we are innovative?  During the National Conference on Industrial Economics, INDEK’11, Professor Tobias Larsson held a session on “Measuring Innovation in Industrial Environment”. Participants in the session were, besides Tobias Larsson; Fredrik Nilsson (Associate Professor Design Sciences, Lund Unviersity), Niclas Nillroth (Global Director, Environmental Care & Safety, Volvo Construction Equipment), Johanna Wallin (Innovation Capability, Volvo...

Innovation workshops within new research project with Volvo Construction Equipment

Innovation workshops within new research project with Volvo Construction Equipment

For the last three days, Volvo Construction Equipment gathered their global innovation coaches (iCoaches) for a yearly meeting in Eskilstuna headquarters. During this event BTH took part within the boundaries of a new innovation research project with BTH and delivered inspirational talks and practical workshops. Professor Tobias Larsson (project leader of the innovation project) talked about ambidextrous organizations and how...

A Knowledge-based Master-model Approach with Application to Rotating Machinery Design

Research paper published in Concurrent Engineering (ISI Journal) Abstract Novel rotating machinery design concepts and architectures are being explored to reduce mass, energy consumption, manufacturing costs, and environmental impact while increasing performance. As component manufacturers supply parts to original equipment manufacturers, it is desirable to design the components using a systems approach so that they are optimized for system-level performance....

Health and Technology for All workshop at BTH!

Health and Technology for All workshop at BTH!

School of Health held October 27-28 a workshop at BTH to find needs and opportunities for collaboration between Blekinge Institute of Technology and Linköping University within the field of Applied Health Technology. The workshop was aimed as an event to exchange information on ongoing activities, and to make a common external analysis of present and future needs and opportunities in applied health technology, focusing on the theme “Health and Technology for all”. They also wanted to find different interaction points in the existing projects anddiscuss the starts of new joint projects. Participants worked creatively in order...

Measuring Innovation in Teams – MINT | 2011-

2011- (ongoing) Objectives: Innovation capability is important for industrial companies today in order to be competitive on the market. But the questions are first, how can the current state of innovation capability be known? And second, what need to be undertaken to increase the innovative performance? These were the guiding questions behind this research project being conducted at Volvo Construction Equipment regarding innovation...

Methods and Tools for Knowledge Sharing in Product Development

Abstract The emerging industrial business partnerships, which feature cross-functional and cross-company development efforts, raise the barrier for the establishment of effective knowledge sharing practices in the larger organization. This chapter aims to highlight the role of knowledge as a key enabler for effective engineering activities in the light of such emerging enterprise collaboration models. Knowledge Enabled Engineering (KEE) is presented...

Massimo Panarotto arrived at BTH as new PhD candidate

Massimo Panarotto arrived at BTH as new PhD candidate

Massimo Panarotto has joined BTH and is becoming a PhD candidate with Professor Tobias C. Larsson to do research within sustainable product-service system innovation. He will start working modelling and simulation of value innovation and sustainability in the SAAB SåNätt project. Here’s a brief interview with Massimo. What is your academic background? I earned my Master degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2011...

An On-Road Study of Head-Up Display : Preferred Location and Acceptance Levels

Research paper published in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, September 2011. Abstract The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of driver’s perceptions of Head-Up Displays (HUD). Many HUD studies have been conducted but few have allowed drivers to test a HUD in their own vehicle, allowing them to choose the best...