Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan thesis awards 2012

Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan thesis awards 2012

During a press conference at BTH the receivers of the Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan thesis awards for 2012 was disclosed. 2 50.000 SEK awards and 3 25.000 SEK awards ended up in BTH students hands. Blekinge Läns Tidning covered the event and followed up with an article about the awards. (Download PDF)

Results from Digital Integrated Manufacturing project

Results from Digital Integrated Manufacturing project

The DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing project was created in order to demonstrate use of advanced technology from research into practical use. Tobias Larsson initiated the project together with Centria and Högskolan Narvik. It is now nice to see the deployment of the project results via PhD Henrik Nergård in the latest news article from Product Innovation research unit “Digitized reindeer...

Impacts of project-overload on innovation inside organizations: Agent-based modeling

Research paper published in  The International Innovation and Technology Conference, ICTI2012 in Venice, Italy. Abstract Market competition and a desire to gain advantages on globalized market, drives companies towards innovation efforts. Project overload is an unpleasant phenomenon, which is happening for employees inside those organizations trying to make the most efficient use of their resources to be innovative. But what...

Resource Consumption in Additive Manufacturing with a PSS Approach

Research paper published at the  4th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems, Tokyo, Japan, November 8th – 9th, 2012. Abstract Since the 1980’s, additive manufacturing (AM) has gradually advanced from rapid prototyping applications towards fabricating end consumer products. Many small companies may prefer accessing AM technologies through service providers offering production services as result-oriented Industrial Product-Service System (IPSS) rather...

PrimCareIT | 2012-2014

PrimCareIT Counteracting brain drain and professional isolation of health professionals in remote primary health care through tele-consultation and tele-mentoring to strengthen social conditions in remote BSR. EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 (BSR INTERREG IVB), 2009-2012 (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) is confronted with an ageing population, which leads to a rising demand for primary...

ExDIN – More effective analysis within medical imaging using collaboration based on networking structure | 2012-2014

More effective analysis within medical imaging using collaboration based on networking structure (2012-2014) VINNOVA Challenge Driven Innovation Programme 2012-2014 (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY Medical imaging is facing major challenges. The demographic and geographic structure needs to be addressed with new approaches and services. Digitalisation has been ongoing for over 10 years, but there is still great potential to be exploited in...

Invited speaker at the TelecomCity Catwalk12 event

Invited speaker at the TelecomCity Catwalk12 event

Tobias Larsson was invited keynote speaker for the TelecomCity Catwalk12 event that took place September 12-13. The talk was called “Innovative Engineering” and highlighted how companies can work more deliberate with their engineering efforts, and touched upon experiences from automotive and aerospace projects. Blekinge Läns Tidning followed up with an interview.

Revisiting the Research Field of Product-Service Systems Development

Research paper published in ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE). Abstract The research within the Product-Service Systems (PSS) field aims to support manufacturing industries’ ability to provide value in terms of a service offer to its customers, simultaneously taking a more holistic approach to eco- sustainability. The industrial idea of...

New healthtech project approved by VINNOVA!

New healthtech project approved by VINNOVA!

In the VINNOVA call for “Challenge Driven Innovation – Project form B”, a consortium of BTH, KTH, Blekinge and Stockholm County Councils, and RxEye got the project “More effective analysis within medical imaging using collaboration based on networking structure” approved. Project abstract Medical imaging is facing major challenges. The demographic and geographic structure needs to be addressed with new approaches...