Andreas Larsson

10X Labs

10x Labs is a research based accelerator environment. It exists to do two things. It explores how to build a drastically improved world upon exponential technologies. It also facilitates these insights, and the belief that springs from them, to others. The initiative was prototyped in late 2014 and launched at full scale early the following year. The core conviction that...

Enhancing supply chain collaboration in automotive industry by value driven simulation

Research paper published in 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED13), 19-22 August, 2013, Seoul, Korea. Abstract This paper presents a computer-based approach for conceptual design that aims to enhance collaborative supply chain development in the automotive sector when dealing with product-service development or radical innovations. The focus of the research has been to design a simulation approach that will enable designers and...

LTU bidrar till effektivisering av europeisk flygindustri

LTU bidrar till effektivisering av europeisk flygindustri

Den europeiska flygindustrin står inför sin största utmaning någonsin, då nya och hittills oprövade teknologier för ett miljövänligare flyg ska tas fram på ett avsevärt tids- och kostnadseffektivare sätt trots att flygplanens komplexitet ökar radikalt år från år. För att möta denna utmaning deltar Avdelningen för Funktionella produkter vid Luleå tekniska universitet i ett europeiskt forskningsprojekt med totalt 59 partners...

FUNKTIONEERING Magazine, No. 1, 2009

2009-02: FUNKTIONEERING MAGAZINE is published by the Division of Functional Product Development at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. This inaugural issue has been made possible through the generous support provided by the Kempe Foundations to strengthen the collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and Stanford University. This issue primarily reports on some of the collaborative endeavours we have embarked on...

Symposium at Hosei University

2009-01: On January 15, Prof. Tobias Larsson and Dr. Andreas Larsson from the Division of Functional Product Development took part in the symposium “Product Design for Sustainable Growth”, arranged by Prof. Hisato Kobayashi at Hosei University, Tokyo, JP. Andreas Larsson participated on site in Tokyo, while Tobias Larsson took part via videoconference from Sweden. Other speakers at the symposium were...