BTH vill säkra produktutveckling i Sverige

En miljon människor är idag anställda inom industrin i Sverige. För att de personerna ska behålla sina jobb samt att Sverige som industrination ska vara stark även i framtiden, vill BTH, tillsammans med sex andra lärosäten, säkra att industriföretag väljer Sverige när de vill utveckla nya produkter.

20 years since ENDREA

I started my PhD studies in the SSF funded ENDREA research programme 1996. Now 20 years later we met again and started working for a re-take and make a new batch of Product Development researchers. We held The meeting in Luleå.   

First 10X Tech Lounge

   The first get together in order to have dialogues on exponential technologies took place the other day. 10xlabs The initiator and Karlskrona entrepreneurs joined in…

En tyst minut för Trollhättan

Vi är många fler som tror på tillsammansskap än som tror på hat och splittring, var ett av budskapen från scenen. Samma scen som efter talen täcktes av rosor och tända ljus

Workshop on innovation with Axis Communications

In collaboration with EFL (Executive Foundation Lund) Tobias Larsson and Andreas Larsson held a workshop on “Creating the attentive company” together with network camera company Axis Communications.

Näringslivsdagarna 2015

Näringslivsdagen is a yearly fair in Karlskrona where business presents itself. Together with BTH marketing, Ericsson and the 10X Labs initiative we this year created an experience directed towards getting your hands on disruptive technologies that will change our lives in days to come; robotics, 3D printing, and immersive digital environments (VR – Virtual Reality).

Hyperloop pod design day for students

It could be seen as crazy, or at least a little bit on the side, to focus time and efforts on designing pods for Elon Musks Hyperloop idea, or? The reasoning behind this can be read in “Why right now is the perfect moment to launch a Hyperloop startup“. At our research lab it makes perfect sense to dive into...