Tobias Larsson

New research project within aerospace development!

2009-06: Division of Functional Product Development, in collaboration with Solid Mechanics, Material Mechanics, and Volvo Aero have been granted 4.4 MSEK over two years for “METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization”. The project intends to develop methodologies for analysis of whole engine concepts in aerospace applications using Systems Modelling and Simulation Driven Design and Product Development. One step...

Creating an aerospace research agenda

2009-04: Professor Tobias Larsson from the Division of FPD has been chosen to take part in a working group that aims to create a national research agenda for the Swedish aerospace industry. Interim results are presented at the Paris Air Show in June. The working group, which consists of representatives from research organizations and industry companies, will develop a strategic...

Digital Integrated Manufacturing (DIM) funded!

Det gränsregionala samarbetsprogrammet Interreg IV A Nord höll sitt tredje styrkommittémöte i Tromsö och beviljade projektet DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing till Avdelningen för Funktionella produkter. Huvudsökande är Mellersta Österbottens yrkeshögskola, och medsökande Funktionella Produkter (Luleå tekniska universitet) och Högskolan i Narvik. Projektet varar i 2 år och har en budget om ca 9 MSEK. Syftet med projektet är att...

FUNKTIONEERING Magazine, No. 1, 2009

2009-02: FUNKTIONEERING MAGAZINE is published by the Division of Functional Product Development at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. This inaugural issue has been made possible through the generous support provided by the Kempe Foundations to strengthen the collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and Stanford University. This issue primarily reports on some of the collaborative endeavours we have embarked on...

Symposium at Hosei University

2009-01: On January 15, Prof. Tobias Larsson and Dr. Andreas Larsson from the Division of Functional Product Development took part in the symposium “Product Design for Sustainable Growth”, arranged by Prof. Hisato Kobayashi at Hosei University, Tokyo, JP. Andreas Larsson participated on site in Tokyo, while Tobias Larsson took part via videoconference from Sweden. Other speakers at the symposium were...

Congratulations Petter!

Congratulations Petter!

2008-11: Today Petter Andersson, Division of Functional Product Development, presented his Licentiate thesis titled “Reuse of manufacturing experience in product and process definitions” and can after completed mission title himself as Licentiate in Engineering. Petter is industrial Ph.D student at Volvo Aero and his work focuses on how to reuse experiences from manufacturing processes during design. The audience had the...

ProViking THINK kick-off!

2008-09: September 23 was the day for the ProViking THINK (Teams for Heterogeneous Innovation Knowledge) kick-off. Partner representatives took part in the meeting. The project has a budget of 15 MSEK over three years. A project within the Product-Service System area This project aims to support PSS development teams to innovate by putting forward facilitating methods and tools. Specifically, the...

Value Innovation R&D

Value Innovation R&D has been an outlet for activities based on my professional skills but where academia is not the proper host environment. Web:  

Foresight Thinking Workshop at Stanford

Foresight Thinking Workshop at Stanford

2008-04: The Division of Functional Product Development and the Product Innovation Engineering program (PIEp) co-organized a workshop on the theme ‘Turning Foresight Thinking into Action’, held at Stanford University between March 31 and April 4, 2008. The workshop drew a total of 25 participants from Luleå University of Technology, Lund University, Royal Institute of Technology, Center for Technology, Medicine, and...

Leif Östling, president and CEO of Scania visited LTU

Leif Östling, President and CEO for Scania, visited research labs at LTU during thursday. He started the tour by stopping by Machine Elements Tribolab, one of Europe’s leading experimental facilities in tribology, presented by Professor Roland Larsson. Tobias Larsson, professor in Functional Product Development presented the research within product development where the experiments are of more virtual character and method...