Exponential innovation workshop with 10X Labs & Ericsson

PDRL are Fellowship partners in 10X Labs, that aspire to create “a space, a culture & a method for building exponential innovation and solving the world’s most wicked problems”. Together with Ericsson, Volvo CE, Hyper Island, All Binary, BTH took part in an ideation event friday 17th. The event focused on ideation on problems of global scale, and participants were...

VITUM – VIrtual TUrbine Module demonstrator | 2014-2017

The aim of the project is to demonstrate how innovative solutions can be developed if traditional modular and component interfaces are challenged and to enable a hardware demonstrator for Clean Sky II. The project aim to develop and demonstrate technologies and capabilities that can be realized a s several components in a turbine module are functionallt integrated. An example is...

10X Labs

10x Labs is a research based accelerator environment. It exists to do two things. It explores how to build a drastically improved world upon exponential technologies. It also facilitates these insights, and the belief that springs from them, to others. The initiative was prototyped in late 2014 and launched at full scale early the following year. The core conviction that...

QHelf – Life by design

Preventative wellness will be tomorrow’s answer to the reactive healthcare of today. Through intrepid prototyping we’re designing how to best match different types of people with the best human feedback and computer analysis. Read more at qhelf.com

Becoming An Innovative Company: Assessing An Organization’s Innovation Capability From The Perspective Of A Team

Research paper published in the 15th International CINet Conference, in Budapest, Turkey, 2014. Abstract Literature points out the need for companies to innovate continuously. Such need requires that companies develop capacities to exploit and improve current work as well as to develop and explore more radical opportunities. This paper is a case study that investigates the innovation capabilities of a...

Building a pathway for innovation: Lessons learned from developing an online platform

Companies are constantly being pressured to innovate in order to stay competitive in the short run and have new offerings in the long run. One way of boosting innovation is to develop idea support systems that go beyond the traditional methods and tools. Through a qualitative study, this paper explores the lessons learned from developing an online platform for idea...

ExDin III – Expertnätverk i diagnostik | 2015-2017

takt med den åldrande befolkningen och de medicinska behandlingsmetoderna utvecklas ökar antalet personer som är multisjuka, vilket gör diagnostiken mer komplex och krävande. Projektet ska ta fram en modell för hur för samverkan mellan specialister i diagnostiska nätverk kan gå från projekt till ordinarie verksamhet. Samverkan sker mellan fem akademiska parter, tre landsting och två företag. ExDIN III is the...

Stanford d.school & ME310

Professor Tobias Larsson took part in the yearly kick-off for the global ME310 Design Innovation program. Volvo CE being corporate sponsor, and BTH project partner, the team will go on the hunt for “urban mining” solutions for upcoming 9 months… [metaslider id=1694]

Näringslivsdagen 2014

Näringslivsdagen 2014 är ett återkommande evenemang där styrkorna i Karlskrona samlas. I år deltar BTH på dagen, samt att initiativet Blekinge X-labs visas upp.