Tobias Larsson

Leif Östling, president and CEO of Scania visited LTU

Leif Östling, President and CEO for Scania, visited research labs at LTU during thursday. He started the tour by stopping by Machine Elements Tribolab, one of Europe’s leading experimental facilities in tribology, presented by Professor Roland Larsson. Tobias Larsson, professor in Functional Product Development presented the research within product development where the experiments are of more virtual character and method...

Knowledge Engineering research gives Volvo Aero technology award!

2008-03: The Volvo Aero Technology Award 2008 has been awarded Lars-Ola Normark, Patrik Boart, Petter Andersson and Ola Isaksson for the development, implementation and deployment of an Automated Design Optimization tool in the development of Jet engine components in the GEnx programme. The Product Development Management board motivates the decision to award the Automated Design Optimization tool the Volvo Aero...

ICED07 in Paris

2007-08: Tobias Larsson, Andreas Larsson, Peter Törlind, Ola Isaksson, Christian Johansson, Mattias Bergström and Åsa Ericson from the Division of Functional Product Development were some of approximately 560 attendees at the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 07, in Paris, August 28-30.

New research project within the MERA programme

New research project within the MERA programme

LTU fick ett nytt forskningsprojekt beviljat inom MERA-programmet (kallades innan Trollhätte-paketet) som syftar till att stärka svensk fordonsindustris konkurrenskraft. Projektet heter “Digitalt Länkad Processtyrning – Erfarenhetsåterkoppling DLP-E” och har Volvo Aero Corporation som huvudsökande. Partners är LTU, Volvo Aero, KTH, Högskolan Väst, Volvo Powertrain, Innovatum AB, UGS, Hexagon Metrology, Zooma by Semcon AB, Erixon och Bonthron, Celero. Projektets totala budget...