Tobias Larsson

Flygteknik 2010

Ola Isaksson, Tobias Larsson, Marcus Sandberg and Johanna Wallin contributed to the national aero space congress Flygteknik 2010 that was held Oct 18-19, in Stockholm. Carl Cederström. Aviation celebrates 100 years in Sweden 100 years have now passed since Baron Carl Cederström flue an airplane in Sweden. To acknowledge this achievement and emphasize the importance of retaining a continuously strong...

DIM project seminar

2010-04: The Interreg IV A Nord research project DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing – has today held an open seminar at LTU. The project is a cross regional program that spans over the Northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Sápmi. The three academic partners, Narvik University College, Norway, Centria (a research unit of Central Ostrobothnia Polytechnic), Finland and Luleå...

LTU bidrar till effektivisering av europeisk flygindustri

LTU bidrar till effektivisering av europeisk flygindustri

Den europeiska flygindustrin står inför sin största utmaning någonsin, då nya och hittills oprövade teknologier för ett miljövänligare flyg ska tas fram på ett avsevärt tids- och kostnadseffektivare sätt trots att flygplanens komplexitet ökar radikalt år från år. För att möta denna utmaning deltar Avdelningen för Funktionella produkter vid Luleå tekniska universitet i ett europeiskt forskningsprojekt med totalt 59 partners...

Holographic Product Verification – HOLOPRO

2010-01: The divisions of Functional Product Development, Experimental Mechanics, and Mathemathics have gotten hypothesis testing from VINNOVA. SUMMARY The hypothesis in this project is that it is possible to perform a quantitative evaluation of predefined attributes for a physical product in a manufacturing process in less than one second. Today essentially all product attributes are controlled off-line which limits the...

New project; Robust Machining

2009-12: The VINNOVA programme for vehicular research “Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation – FFI”, has decided to fund the research project “Robust Machining” with 10 million SEK. The project runs over 2009-2012 and has a total budget of 24 MSEK. Within the project FPD will research knowledge intense applications for manufacturing, Knowledge Engineering. New generations of environmentally friendly and safe vehicles...

ProViking result day 2009

The annual result day for ProViking was this year held at Aspenäs Manor outside Gothenburg, where 15 projects presented their results. ProViking is a national research program designed to create improved systems of production and new methods of product development. From Luleå University of Technology three projects participated; THINK, ProAct and InMaint. The presentations took place in showcases constructed by...

ICED’09: Design has never been this cool

2009-09: Nine members of the Division of Functional Product Development staff participated in the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED’09), which was held at Stanford University, CA, between August 24-27 2009. Four professors at ICED’09 – from left: Tobias Larsson (LTU, Sweden), Amaresh Chakrabarti (IISC, India), Larry Leifer (Stanford, USA), Göran Broman (BTH, Sweden). In total, the division contributed...

New project; methodology for energy efficient transmissions

2009-09: Divison of Functional Product Development in collaboration with Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Powertrain and Linköping University of Technology have been granted the project “Fuel Efficient Transmission Technology Concepts: Design Methodology” within the VINNOVA program “Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation” (FFI). The project budget is 18 MSEK 2009-2012 and aims at improving the process from concept to detailed solution, with extra...

New research project within aerospace development!

2009-06: Division of Functional Product Development, in collaboration with Solid Mechanics, Material Mechanics, and Volvo Aero have been granted 4.4 MSEK over two years for “METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization”. The project intends to develop methodologies for analysis of whole engine concepts in aerospace applications using Systems Modelling and Simulation Driven Design and Product Development. One step...