Tobias Larsson

BTH och Telenor i samarbete om innovativ produktutveckling

Telenor har under 6 månader tillsammans med BTH genomfört en uppdragsutbildning med fokus på innovativ produktutveckling. Med fokus på tre moment; global konkurrenskraft, värdeinnovation, och lean, har man genomfört lektionspass, workshops och egna uppgifter.

Urban Mining global innovation project with Stanford

Turning waste into value has been the topic of a global product development challenge for 11 students for the past year within the Stanford ME310 Global Design Innovation course. The innovation challenge was performed in collaboration with industrial partner Volvo Construction Equipment. The project culminated with a presentation at the prestigious Stanford EXPE. 

VITUM – VIrtual TUrbine Module demonstrator | 2014-2017

The aim of the project is to demonstrate how innovative solutions can be developed if traditional modular and component interfaces are challenged and to enable a hardware demonstrator for Clean Sky II. The project aim to develop and demonstrate technologies and capabilities that can be realized a s several components in a turbine module are functionallt integrated. An example is...

10X Labs

10x Labs is a research based accelerator environment. It exists to do two things. It explores how to build a drastically improved world upon exponential technologies. It also facilitates these insights, and the belief that springs from them, to others. The initiative was prototyped in late 2014 and launched at full scale early the following year. The core conviction that...

Hög innovationsgrad i projekt om produktionsprocesser

ProViking är en av SSF:s satsningar på forskning inom produktionsprocesser och produktframtagning. Programmet innehåller en mängd olika forskningsprojekt med nära anknytning till industrin. De första projekten startade 2002 och nyligen hölls den avslutande Resultatdagen där många av projekten redovisades.

“Vi kan fiska energi och jobb ur havet”

DEBATT. De länder som vågar satsa på framtidens havsbaserade energi kan skörda de kvalificerade arbetstillfällena och lägga grunden till en grön exportindustri. Vi har listan på vad som krävs, skriver företrädare för branschen.

Center for Tele Medicine | 2010-2013

Center for Tele Medicine – Sustainable Products and Services within E-health and Tele Medicine EU Regional Funds 2010-2013 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY The project will provide a cost-effective development of sustainable e-health related services and products. This should be done by various pilot project demonstrators to create realistic scenarios. Primarily this is done for the County Council of Blekinge but also...

Impacts of project-overload on innovation inside organizations: Agent-based modeling

Research paper published in  The International Innovation and Technology Conference, ICTI2012 in Venice, Italy. Abstract Market competition and a desire to gain advantages on globalized market, drives companies towards innovation efforts. Project overload is an unpleasant phenomenon, which is happening for employees inside those organizations trying to make the most efficient use of their resources to be innovative. But what...