SAAB Technology Transfer | 2009-2012

Project summary The project goal is to identify needs for new/complementary methods and tools to enhance the possibilities for evaluation of new, groundbreaking, technologies in the early development phases of vehicle platform development. Project information Project Leader: Tobias Larsson Type: Research Application area: Vehicle Time frame: 2009-2012 Funding: 12 MSEK (6 MSEK VINNOVA Vehicle Development FFI) Research unit: Luleå University...

METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization | 2009-2011

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: PROJECT SUMMARY This project, Mechanical whole engine conceptual design and analysis:  A MEthodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automation, is a continuation of the pilot study project NFFP4202 – Mechanical whole engine modelling where a platform, together with a pilot that demonstrated the capability of the platform in an industrial scenario, was developed. This continuation...

New project; methodology for energy efficient transmissions

2009-09: Divison of Functional Product Development in collaboration with Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Powertrain and Linköping University of Technology have been granted the project “Fuel Efficient Transmission Technology Concepts: Design Methodology” within the VINNOVA program “Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation” (FFI). The project budget is 18 MSEK 2009-2012 and aims at improving the process from concept to detailed solution, with extra...

Creating an aerospace research agenda

2009-04: Professor Tobias Larsson from the Division of FPD has been chosen to take part in a working group that aims to create a national research agenda for the Swedish aerospace industry. Interim results are presented at the Paris Air Show in June. The working group, which consists of representatives from research organizations and industry companies, will develop a strategic...

Simulation of Functional Products on a Sustainability Driven Market | 2008-2011

Knowledge Foundation and VINNOVA together with partner companies PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose is to develop an integrated approach to SPD (Sustainable Product Development) and FPD (Functional Product Development). The primary focus is on simulation support for prediction of risks and opportunities of extended value-chain cooperation around a full product life-cycle commitment. This is intended as input for prioritizations in product...

Participatory Product Innovation – P2I | 2007-2008

Shaping the Future of Global Design Research and Higher Education together with Stanford University 2007-2008 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY The overall aim of this framework is to decrease the negative impact of geographic distance on product development efforts and to further enhance current advantages of worldwide, multidisciplinary collaboration. The framework uses a three-layered approach to the advancement of global collaboration; with...

Whole Engine Modelling | 2007-2009

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4202 Whole Engine Modelling 2007-2009 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY When it comes to mechanical properties, the continuous drive to reduce the weight that the engine system needs to be optimized even from a mechanical perspective. Companies with a main role to develop engine components and sub-systems hence need the capacity and knowledge to perform the...

Experience feedback | 2007-2009

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4103 Experience feedback 2007-2009 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY It is a central issue to be able to use the experience and knowledge in an organization in order to be competitive. Companies choose to specialize and focus on specific areas to some extent due to the reasoning that the company’s competitiveness will increase by offering products...

Functional Jet Engine Components | 2003-2007

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: NFFP490 – Functional Jet Engine Components 2003-2007 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY When selling a product today it contains much more than just hardware. Without a service part the product would be of no value for the customer. To be able to evaluate and choose the best concept the overall package need to be reconsidered. The...

New research project within the MERA programme

New research project within the MERA programme

LTU fick ett nytt forskningsprojekt beviljat inom MERA-programmet (kallades innan Trollhätte-paketet) som syftar till att stärka svensk fordonsindustris konkurrenskraft. Projektet heter “Digitalt Länkad Processtyrning – Erfarenhetsåterkoppling DLP-E” och har Volvo Aero Corporation som huvudsökande. Partners är LTU, Volvo Aero, KTH, Högskolan Väst, Volvo Powertrain, Innovatum AB, UGS, Hexagon Metrology, Zooma by Semcon AB, Erixon och Bonthron, Celero. Projektets totala budget...