Tobias Larsson

Efter tio år i KHK – nu slutar Larsson som ordförande

I tio år har Tobias Larsson varit ordförande i Karlskrona HK, men nu väljer han att kliva av posten, rapporterar Blekingesporten. Mycket har hänt under Tobias Larssons tid som ordförande i klubben. Avancemang till SHL, ekonomisk kris och sedermera degradering. Nu väljer han alltså att lämna posten som ordförande och anledningen till det ska vara familjen. – Med ett barn som...

Launching a new chapter with Sugar

Having run 11 projects in ME310, the PDRL Global Engineering student project will explore innovation opportunities in South America and Sweden this year. A team of four BTH students will collaborate with three students from USP in São Paulo and Volvo Construction Equipment in Sweden and Curitiba, Brazil. 

Congratulations Yan Zhang, Licentiate in Mechanical Engineering!

Yan Zhang presented his licentiate thesis entitled “Value co-creation for sustainable product service system design” in front of a crowd of local audience and online listeners. Yan made a popular presentation of the background of his research and the findings up until this point, where the servitization of industry is a driving force for digitalisation and value creation for the manufacturing...

Panelsamtal “343 år av innovation i världsarvet Örlogstaden Karlskrona”

Utmaningar föder kreativitet och kreativitet skapar innovationer. Detta har varit Karlskronas styrka sedan staden grundades år 1680. Den 26 oktober hölls ett panelsamtal om världsarvets historia av innovation och dess koppling till dagens utmaningar och utveckling. Paneldeltagare var: Tobias Larsson, Professor i Produktutveckling på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola; Ivar Wenster, byggnadsantikvarie och verkställande direktör för Ankdammen Heritage Management; Magnus Olsson från Saab...

Congratulations Ryan Ruvald, Doctor of Philosophy!

Ryan Ruvald successfully defended his PhD thesis “Innovation in a Changing World: Exploring PSS Design through Prototyping” in front of some 50 people in the room and online. Ryan made a popular presentation of his research and took the audience through his findings and experiments and then landed in a summary of his findings. Ryan has been working within several applied...

BTH PDRL at the 24th International Conference on Engineering Design 2023

The 24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23) was held in Bordeaux, France, from July 24-28, 2023. The conference theme was “Design in a Complex World,” and it explored the challenges and opportunities of designing for a world that is increasingly complex, interconnected, and uncertain. The conference featured a variety of sessions, including plenary talks, podium presentations, discussion panels, and...

Innovations in Construction Equipment and Trucking using a Biomimicry Approach – EXPE 2023

Recently, students from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden and Stanford University collaborated on a project focusing on innovations in construction equipment and trucking through the application of Biomimicry principles. Over a span of nine months, four students from Blekinge and six students from Stanford embarked on an exciting journey to explore innovation opportunities in partnership with Volvo Group.

Congratulations Jenny Elfsberg, Doctor of Philosophy!

Jenny Elfsberg successfully defended her PhD thesis “Innovation Engineering in Practice: Bridging Exploration and Exploitation in Large Manufacturing Incumbents” in front of some 60 people in the room and online and after thorough questioning by the opponent Professor Martin Steinert (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) and the grading committee consisting of Professor Mario Štorga (University of Zagreb, Croatia),...

Innovations in Construction Equipment and Trucking using a Biomimicry Approach – EXPE 2023

Recently, students from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden and Stanford University collaborated on a project focusing on innovations in construction equipment and trucking through the application of Biomimicry principles. Over a span of nine months, four students from Blekinge and six students from Stanford embarked on an exciting journey to explore innovation opportunities in partnership with Volvo Group.