Stanford University

PDRL at the 8th CIRP IPS2 Conference

The 8th CIRP IPS2 conference will kick-off this weekend with a Welcome reception at Chiostro Santa Marta, in the beautiful city of Bergamo, in Northern Italy CIRP IPS2 is a major yearly event for PDRL. The conference gathers researchers worldwide to share theoretical and practical experiences showing that transition towards Industrial Product-Service System. The conference this year is hosted by the University of...

CX.LINK for Volvo CE delivered at Stanford Expe

The Volvo CE Stanford ME310 project has been completed with the annual Stanford EXPE atStanford University on June 2nd. Students from MSPI and Mechanical Engineering at BTH together with Mechanical Engineering counterparts at Stanford have presented their results for how autonomous machines should collaborate and build trust with their human collaborators at future construction sites.

Participatory Product Innovation – P2I | 2007-2008

Shaping the Future of Global Design Research and Higher Education together with Stanford University 2007-2008 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY The overall aim of this framework is to decrease the negative impact of geographic distance on product development efforts and to further enhance current advantages of worldwide, multidisciplinary collaboration. The framework uses a three-layered approach to the advancement of global collaboration; with...

Fukt i luften blir dricksvatten

Fukt i luften blir dricksvatten

Under läsåret 2007-2008 arbetar Luleå tekniska universitet med ett globalt projekt som ska utveckla en produkt för framställning av dricksvatten ur luftfuktighet. Projektet genomförs i samarbete med Stanford University i USA samt med Kungliga tekniska högskolan och Lunds tekniska högskola. Fyra av LTU:s studenter från utbildningarna i teknisk design samt Arena innovativ teknik och företagande, åkte i slutet av oktober...

Participatory Product Innovation – P2I | 2007-2008

Shaping the Future of Global Design Research and Higher Education together with Stanford University 2007-2008 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY The overall aim of this framework is to decrease the negative impact of geographic distance on product development efforts and to further enhance current advantages of worldwide, multidisciplinary collaboration. The framework uses a three-layered approach to the advancement of global collaboration; with...

Design for Wellbeing | 2004-

Innovations meet people. Design for Wellbeing redirects the focus of product development from technology-based development, via needs-based development, to participative product innovation. 2004- (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY The main objective of the Design for Wellbeing initiative is to enhance the wellbeing of persons with motion, sensory and cognitive disabilities by using their descriptions of needs in relation to assistive devices as...

Design för välbefinnande

Design för välbefinnande

Innovationer för människor – det är vad projektet ”Design för välbefinnande” vid Luleå tekniska universitet går ut på. Om människors behov fångas och tas tillvara väl kan tekniken hjälpa oss att må bättre, och det är denna grundsyn som vägleder elva av studenterna i årets upplaga av kursen SIRIUS – Kreativ produktutveckling. Tillsammans med studenter från Stanford University i Kalifornien...