Christian Johansson

Volvo CE Innovation Conference 2017

Volvo CE held the yearly Innovation Conference in Eskilstuna early September. The intentions with this conference were for all participants to share competence, experience and knowledge by networking and creating together.

BTH PDRL at the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design 2017

“Good design is elegant, effective, efficient and simple. How can we teach that spirit, learn that ethic, embrace it culturally and plan for its sustainability?” is the introduction to this year’s International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED, which will be held in Vancouver, Canada.

BTH PDRL at the 9th CIRP IPSS Conference

In their editorial, Tim McAloone, Daniela Pigosso, Niels Henrik Mortensen and Yoshiki Shimomura remind us that the philosophy behind in Industrial Product Service Systems is to create customer-oriented solutions that function for longer and thus increase resource productivity, minimise resource consumption and enhance the ultimate value-add to the end user.

Kreativitet och skapande under sportlovet

Produktutvecklingslabbet bjöd in till en eftermiddag i Karlskrona Makerspace där ungdomar i åldern 8-12 år fick pröva på att skapa robotar, smycken mm. Forskarna Johan Wall, Christian Johansson och Tobias Larsson stöttade kidsen i att 3D-printa och bygga robotar med hjälp av Lego Mindstorms.

Let the machines talk! Towards data-driven product development

Leonardo da Vinci is remembered in history as a “universal genius”, he was an artist, a scientist, a mathematician and an engineer. He generated a huge amount of  ideas and sketches of  revolutionary concepts in his days. Although, almost none of these became reality. Why was it like that? What is the reason that brilliant ideas don’t become innovations – in...

From rocket science to everyday use: how BTH is transforming Value Driven Design research

Extended product warranties up to 10 years, leasing or pay-per-use schemes are just few examples of how manufacturing companies are shifting their focus from selling products to offering “solutions” (functional sales, product-service systems etc.), combining products and services. The opportunity to maximize customer value is a main reason for this, still great challenges remain when “value” is measured and communicated...

Future Exploration Design-Build-Test

During a rainy saturday, some 20 BTH students joined for the research labs event “Future Exploration Design-Build-Test challenge” in collaboration with Volvo Construction Equipment.

Näringslivsdagen 2016

I BTH:s monter under näringslivsmässan visade forskare upp några delar av BTH:s verksamhet. Bland annat visades 3D-spelproduktion (Stefan Petersson), 3D-printing och ”augmented reality” via Microsoft Hololens upp (Johan Wall, Christian Johansson, Ryan Ruwald, Tobias Larsson) och besökarna fick även testa den nya tekniken.