Alessandro Bertoni

Beslutsstödsmiljö för produktutveckling

En liten glimt in i den beslutsstödsmiljö för produktutvecklande företag som utvecklas inom forskningsprojektet “model driven development and decision support” tillsammans med våra forskningspartners. Förmåga att redan i konceptfasen, innan man bygger produkterna, kunna förstå kostnad, värde samt miljöpotential mm över hela livscykeln skapar enorma möjligheter att prova olika scenarios och lösningar.

The decision theater, transforming data into knowledge in conceptual design

One success factor in engineering design is the ability to make effective and risk-managed decisions in a timely manner. Rarely is a single person sufficient to resolve today’s complex, connected issues. Rather, a group of stakeholders possessing required expert knowledge needs to be enrolled as these issues normally requires a wide variety of expert competences, transcending traditional disciplines. Where this...

EVOKE – Early Value-Oriented Design Concept Evaluation

Value creation is the end-game solution of product and service design. Yet, ‘value’ is difficult to measure, because it goes beyond manufacturing and usage cost to include a lot of subjective, intangible and tacit concepts. EVOKE is a method to keep focus on value generation throughout the design process, since its earliest phases. The EVOKE toolbox aims at supporting the...

National PhD course in product development modeling and simulation

During two days some 25 people gathered at BTH campus and Product Development Research Lab to take part in session #2 of the National PhD course “Modeling Simulation and Optimization in the Engineering Product Development Process“.The course is given in collaboration between BTH, Chalmers, Linköping University and partner organisations Product Development Academy in Sweden and Swedish Production Academy via Produktion2030 educational programme, and...

Data Mining in Product Service Systems Design: Literature Review and Research Questions

ABSTRACT The paper presents a literature review about data mining applications in Product/Service-Systems (PSS) design. A systematic literature review, combined with snowballing techniques, has been run to identify relevant contributions in the area. The analysis has focused on the categorization of the contributions according to their impact on the PSS design process and according to their theoretical or empirical nature....

BTH PDRL at the 9th CIRP IPSS Conference

In their editorial, Tim McAloone, Daniela Pigosso, Niels Henrik Mortensen and Yoshiki Shimomura remind us that the philosophy behind in Industrial Product Service Systems is to create customer-oriented solutions that function for longer and thus increase resource productivity, minimise resource consumption and enhance the ultimate value-add to the end user.

Let the machines talk! Towards data-driven product development

Leonardo da Vinci is remembered in history as a “universal genius”, he was an artist, a scientist, a mathematician and an engineer. He generated a huge amount of  ideas and sketches of  revolutionary concepts in his days. Although, almost none of these became reality. Why was it like that? What is the reason that brilliant ideas don’t become innovations – in...

From rocket science to everyday use: how BTH is transforming Value Driven Design research

Extended product warranties up to 10 years, leasing or pay-per-use schemes are just few examples of how manufacturing companies are shifting their focus from selling products to offering “solutions” (functional sales, product-service systems etc.), combining products and services. The opportunity to maximize customer value is a main reason for this, still great challenges remain when “value” is measured and communicated...