Tobias Larsson

Congratulations Shafiqul Md Islam, PhD!

Today, Shafiqul had a morning of presentation and discussion as he defended his PhD thesis “Fracture and Delamination in Packaging Materials: A Study of Experimental Methods and Simulation Techniques” in front of family, friends and colleagues at Blekinge Institute of Technology. The research has focused the development of building blocks for complete package-opening FE-simulation. The studies (experimental and simulated) have focused...

Welcome as PhD candidate Omsri Aeddula!

Omsri Aeddula is a PhD candidate at BTH employed during the summer of 2019 working with supporting engineering product development with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research. Omsri is part of the KKS research profile “Model Driven Development and Decision Support“. Omsri will also participate in Applied Healthcare research within the new BTH health clinic regarding AI/ML.

PDRL designed the CIFF award

When opportunity arise, we like to support local initiatives and entrepreneurs. So, when Carl International Film Festival (CIFF) approach us with their idea for a new award we were more than willing to listen. Henrik JP Åkesson, head of festival, envisioned an award that was a three dimensional version of their logotype. He also had an idea that the winner of the...

V-Com presented at Stanford University

V-Com, a precautionary system that communicates safety-critical information between truck drivers and vulnerable road users was presented by six final year MSc students from Blekinge Institute of Technology and Stanford University at this year’s Stanford EXPE – design experience. In their capstone project, ME310, which runs from October to June, they move in a Design Thinking process through phases of...

Blekinge Teknikaccelerator

Samverkansparterna vill med projektet göra en kraftsamling i Blekinge för att bidra till att näringslivets förmåga till ekonomisk förnyelse ökar.  Projektet bygger på att utveckla och etablera en teknikaccelerator som ska underlätta för studenter, forskare, entreprenörer, intraprenörer, idéägare och företag med idéer till teknikbaserade innovationer att i en accelererad process utveckla och verifiera tekniska så kallade proof-of-concept eller minimum viable...

Congratulations Eskil Andreasson, Doctor of Philosophy!

Eskil Andreasson successfully defended his PhD thesis “Mechanics and Failure in Thin Material Layers –  Towards Realistic Package Opening Simulation” in front of a full house and grading committee, and after thorough questioning by the opponent Gabriella Bolzon (Politecnic University of Milan, Italy)

“Girls in ICT” på Ericsson

Ericsson i Karlskrona arrangerade i år evenemanget “Girls in ICT” med syftet att locka fler tjejer att jobba inom tekniksektorn vid två tillfällen. BTH Maskinteknik och linjeföreningen ROST bidrog med stöd för att snabbt förvandla idéer till verklighet via 3D-print av prototyper. Tjejer från högstadieskolorna i Karlskrona var målgruppen och totalt deltog närmare 100 tjejer under båda dagarna och vid varje dag testades...

Welcome as an industrial PhD candidate Yan Zhang

Yan Zhang is an industrial PhD candidate at BTH. Working as CEO of BIGMinds and several other initiatives, this previous BTH MSPI student (generation 1) will now “double” by doing his PhD with a focus on distributed innovation systems with a focus on product-service systems.

Kick-off for MD3S+ profile project

Together with company partners and the entire research team a kick-off was held to celebrate the start of MD3S+ (Model Driven Development and Decision Support profile+, 55 msek 3 year project). Dean Benny Lövström and Profile Director Professor Tobias Larsson inaugurated the profile+ project.

Makerspace on the road

During two days we put the makerspace on wheels together with Kreativum in order to bring the concept pf creation with technology to the younger kids in Blekinge County. We visited two schools (Kättilsmåla skola and Hobyskolan) and gave 4 makerspace sessions for kids age 10-14, and in parallel Kreativum gave 4 sessions.