Center for Tele Medicine | 2010-2013

Center for Tele Medicine – Sustainable Products and Services within E-health and Tele Medicine EU Regional Funds 2010-2013 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY The project will provide a cost-effective development of sustainable e-health related services and products. This should be done by various pilot project demonstrators to create realistic scenarios. Primarily this is done for the County Council of Blekinge but also...

Tony Thompson, PhD

Tony Thompson defends his PhD thesis

Tony Thompson (PhD candidate with Tobias Larsson) presented and defended his PhD thesis in Mechanical Engineering. The title is: “Integrating a Strategic Sustainable Development Perspective in Product-Service System Innovation“. Prof. Tim McAloone of DTU in Denmark was faculty opponent, and the grading committee was composed of Prof. Bo Helgeson, BTH, Prof. Annika Olsson, Lund University, and Prof. Tomohiko Sakao of Linköping University....

Invited speaker at the TelecomCity Catwalk12 event

Invited speaker at the TelecomCity Catwalk12 event

Tobias Larsson was invited keynote speaker for the TelecomCity Catwalk12 event that took place September 12-13. The talk was called “Innovative Engineering” and highlighted how companies can work more deliberate with their engineering efforts, and touched upon experiences from automotive and aerospace projects. Blekinge Läns Tidning followed up with an interview.

Measuring Innovation in Teams – MINT | 2011-

2011- (ongoing) Objectives: Innovation capability is important for industrial companies today in order to be competitive on the market. But the questions are first, how can the current state of innovation capability be known? And second, what need to be undertaken to increase the innovative performance? These were the guiding questions behind this research project being conducted at Volvo Construction Equipment regarding innovation...

Product-Service Innovation workshop and panel session at 2011 World Student Environmental Summit

Product-Service Innovation workshop and panel session at 2011 World Student Environmental Summit

[2011-05-20] From May 17-22 the World Student Environmental Summit took place at BTH in Karlskrona. WSES: “The World Student Environmental Summit (WSES) is a student-run convention on fundamental contemporary sustainability issues. It provides a platform for students all over the world to gather together to ask meaningful questions and create solutions towards alternative futures. Top-class personalities from science, humanities and...

Towards sustainability-driven innovation through product-service systems

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product Service Systems. Abstract Many current sustainability considerations in industry constrain design space by emphasizing reduced material and energy flows across product life cycles. However, there are also opportunities for sustainability awareness to extend design space and drive innovation. Product-service systems (PSS) in particular can be a...

Assessing the value of sub-system technologies including life-cycle alternatives

Assessing the value of sub-system technologies including life-cycle alternatives

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Glocalized solutions for sustainability in manufacturing. Abstract Emerging from an industrial case study in the aerospace industry, the paper proposes an approach to evaluate sub-system technology concepts from a life cycle perspective.  The approach is composed by 5 main phases that aims to drive product designers...

Design of user-centred wireless sensor technology in sports – an empirical study of elite kayak athletes

Design of user-centred wireless sensor technology in sports – an empirical study of elite kayak athletes

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD’11. Abstract University research is demanded to be more need-driven and user- centred in order to address and solve problems and needs of the market. In the present study a group of athletes and coaches has been analysed on their lead user characteristics. Some of the...