NFFP4 - Experience feedback National Aviation Engineering Research Programme
Project: V4103 Experience feedback

2007-2009 (completed)


It is a central issue to be able to use the experience and knowledge in an organization in order to be competitive. Companies choose to specialize and focus on specific areas to some extent due to the reasoning that the company’s competitiveness will increase by offering products and services within a defined area. A prerequisite for success is that the experience if the organization is capture and reused in a competitive manner.

The application that is considered for the project concerns issues that arise when fabricating jet engine components. This will give a clear view on what experiences and what knowledge that is needed to feedback, on one hand to the “upstream” activities, i.e. product development, and on the other hand to the upcoming production.

The aim of the project is to develop an ability to engineer fabricated jet engine components through methods and system support for feedback of knowledge and experience into the product development process (product and process definitions). Experimental verification is supposedly used to secure the applicability of the developed methods.


Role: Project leader and supervisor
Type: PhD student research project
Keywords: Engineering Design, Functional Products, Knowledge Enabled Engineering
Application area: Aeronautics and Space
Time frame: 2007-2009
Funding: 4 MSEK
Research unit: Luleå University of Technology
PartnersVolvo Aero AB, VINNOVA


  • Concept automation and decision support in a functional product development perspective
  • Supporting decision making with agent-based modelling and simulation
  • Towards life-cycle awareness in decision support tools for engineering design
  • Challenges for experience feedback in engineering design
  • Knowledge engineering models as experience carriers