MERA DLP-E | 2007-2009

MERA – Manufacturing Engineering Research Area
DLP-E – Digitally Linked Process control – Experience feedback

2007-2009 (finalized)


In this project, the academic research is joined with the industrial developments to reach a dominant process for component manufacturing and increase the industrial competitiveness through knowledge based production in Sweden. The aim is to develop a digital/virtual, and physical process to guide the product development and manufacturing planning based on actual production outcome.

The project is expected to deliver generic models of how experience and knowledge from existing and current production can be integrated in the product development phase of new or changed products. The project is expected to verify the effectiveness of these methods through physical verification of three different products with varying degree of complexity.  The results of the project are also planned to form the base for implementation and change of existing systems and methods, hence securing the dissemination of the results. This is secured through the participation of software vendors.

The project’s contribution to the MERA programme is through raising the baseline for knowledge based production and product development in Sweden by the participation of researchers that gain knowledge and through the project idea of knowledge fusion.


Role: Project leader and supervisor
Type: Industrial PhD student research project
Keywords: Engineering Design, Functional Products, Knowledge Enabled Engineering
Application area: Aeronautics and Space, Automotive
Time frame: 2007-2009
Funding: 27 MSEK
Research unitLuleå University of Technology
Partners: Coor (Celero), Deckel Maho, DMG ScandinaviaHexagon MetrologyHögskolan VästInnovatum ABKungliga Tekniska HögskolanUGS Svenska ABVolvo Aero ABVolvo PowertrainZooma by Semcon AB


  • Concept automation and decision support in a functional product development perspective
  • Manufacturing system to support design concept and reuse of manufacturing experience
  • Current industrial practices for re-use of manufacturing experience in a multidisciplinary design perspective
  • A process improvement approach to capitalize on manufacturing experience in engineering design
  • Reuse of manufacturing experience to support development of product/service systems