
New project; methodology for energy efficient transmissions

2009-09: Divison of Functional Product Development in collaboration with Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Powertrain and Linköping University of Technology have been granted the project “Fuel Efficient Transmission Technology Concepts: Design Methodology” within the VINNOVA program “Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation” (FFI). The project budget is 18 MSEK 2009-2012 and aims at improving the process from concept to detailed solution, with extra...

New research project within aerospace development!

2009-06: Division of Functional Product Development, in collaboration with Solid Mechanics, Material Mechanics, and Volvo Aero have been granted 4.4 MSEK over two years for “METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization”. The project intends to develop methodologies for analysis of whole engine concepts in aerospace applications using Systems Modelling and Simulation Driven Design and Product Development. One step...

Creating an aerospace research agenda

2009-04: Professor Tobias Larsson from the Division of FPD has been chosen to take part in a working group that aims to create a national research agenda for the Swedish aerospace industry. Interim results are presented at the Paris Air Show in June. The working group, which consists of representatives from research organizations and industry companies, will develop a strategic...

Digital Integrated Manufacturing (DIM) funded!

Det gränsregionala samarbetsprogrammet Interreg IV A Nord höll sitt tredje styrkommittémöte i Tromsö och beviljade projektet DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing till Avdelningen för Funktionella produkter. Huvudsökande är Mellersta Österbottens yrkeshögskola, och medsökande Funktionella Produkter (Luleå tekniska universitet) och Högskolan i Narvik. Projektet varar i 2 år och har en budget om ca 9 MSEK. Syftet med projektet är att...

ProViking THINK kick-off!

2008-09: September 23 was the day for the ProViking THINK (Teams for Heterogeneous Innovation Knowledge) kick-off. Partner representatives took part in the meeting. The project has a budget of 15 MSEK over three years. A project within the Product-Service System area This project aims to support PSS development teams to innovate by putting forward facilitating methods and tools. Specifically, the...

Knowledge Engineering research gives Volvo Aero technology award!

2008-03: The Volvo Aero Technology Award 2008 has been awarded Lars-Ola Normark, Patrik Boart, Petter Andersson and Ola Isaksson for the development, implementation and deployment of an Automated Design Optimization tool in the development of Jet engine components in the GEnx programme. The Product Development Management board motivates the decision to award the Automated Design Optimization tool the Volvo Aero...