
Stanford & ME310

Professor Tobias Larsson took part in the yearly kick-off for the global ME310 Design Innovation program. Volvo CE being corporate sponsor, and BTH project partner, the team will go on the hunt for “urban mining” solutions for upcoming 9 months… [metaslider id=1694]

Guest professor and Keynote lectures

Professor Tobias C. Larsson was appointed Honorary Guest Professor at the China Jiliang University in Hangzhou in a ceremony. Prof Larsson also gave to keynote lectures for faculty and researchers on the topics of “Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation”, and “Needfinding – Linking needs to solutions”.  

Needfinding workbook release

During the 2014 Volvo CE iCoach Days in Eskilstuna the Needfinding Workbook was released. It is based on site studies and needfinding research in order to act as a guide for collecting and sharing insights to support the development of user/customer oriented solutions. It will be released under Creative Commons license.

The 110 MSEK research profile revving up

The 110 MSEK research profile revving up

April 16 the KK Foundation research profile “Model Driven Development and Decision Support” had its kick-off at BTH. All research partners took part and around this several press items were released too. “Jättesatsning på forskning till länet“. Radio P4 Blekinge “110 milj/kr till industriforskning på BTH“. TV4. “Startskott för ny innovativ forskningsmiljö“. BTH news. “Startskott för ny innovativ forskningsmiljö“. BTH press....

Featured in NyTeknik; “Lös klimatproblemen med teknikutveckling”

Featured in NyTeknik; “Lös klimatproblemen med teknikutveckling”

Nov 28, NyTeknik (chief editor Mats Engström) followed up a site visit at BTH and the research project SåNätt – Light Weight Vehicles (Tobias Larsson, Massimo Panarotto, Vice-chancellor Ursula Hass, and Henric Johnson participated from BTH and Jonas Adolfsson of Ruuki) with an introductory piece in NyTeknik entitled “Lös klimatproblemen med teknikutveckling“. Professor Tobias C. Larsson is chaired professor in Product Development at...

New healthtech project approved by VINNOVA!

New healthtech project approved by VINNOVA!

In the VINNOVA call for “Challenge Driven Innovation – Project form B”, a consortium of BTH, KTH, Blekinge and Stockholm County Councils, and RxEye got the project “More effective analysis within medical imaging using collaboration based on networking structure” approved. Project abstract Medical imaging is facing major challenges. The demographic and geographic structure needs to be addressed with new approaches...

PrimCareIT web and Newsletter #1

PrimCareIT web and Newsletter #1

PrimCareIT web site is now up and running and will contain info on the project progress, and the first Newsletter is also out. Professor Tobias C. Larsson is chaired professor in Product Development at School of Engineering, BTH.

Innovation Engineering seminar at Volvo Construction Equipment

Innovation Engineering seminar at Volvo Construction Equipment

Professor Tobias Larsson was invited to Volvo CE in Eskilstuna give a seminar on innovation engineering and the role in innovative product development. Participants were from the advanced engineering and other engineering related functions and involved several representatives from international functions of Volvo CE. Professor Tobias C. Larsson is chaired professor in Product Development at School of Engineering, BTH.