
Research based startup: GreenCharge

GreenCharge Infra ( och Greencharge ( har sina rötter i projektet GreenCharge II – en regional grön tillväxtmotor för omställningen till fossilfria transporter. Projektet var en regional kraftsamling mellan kommuner, regioner, landsting, länsstyrelser, akademi och näringsliv som pågick till och med 2018-12-31. Projektets medlemmar – kommuner, landsting, regioner och företag – visar vägen i omställningen genom att vara fossilfria senast...

Blekinge Teknikaccelerator

Samverkansparterna vill med projektet göra en kraftsamling i Blekinge för att bidra till att näringslivets förmåga till ekonomisk förnyelse ökar.  Projektet bygger på att utveckla och etablera en teknikaccelerator som ska underlätta för studenter, forskare, entreprenörer, intraprenörer, idéägare och företag med idéer till teknikbaserade innovationer att i en accelererad process utveckla och verifiera tekniska så kallade proof-of-concept eller minimum viable...

10X Labs

10x Labs is a research based accelerator environment. It exists to do two things. It explores how to build a drastically improved world upon exponential technologies. It also facilitates these insights, and the belief that springs from them, to others. The initiative was prototyped in late 2014 and launched at full scale early the following year. The core conviction that...

QHelf – Life by design

Preventative wellness will be tomorrow’s answer to the reactive healthcare of today. Through intrepid prototyping we’re designing how to best match different types of people with the best human feedback and computer analysis. Read more at

Value Innovation R&D

Value Innovation R&D has been an outlet for activities based on my professional skills but where academia is not the proper host environment. Web:  

Tobias makes the final four

Professor Tobias Larsson is one of four finalists in the national competition “Technology Star 2008”, arranged by Dagens Teknik magazine. In “Dagens Teknik” (w.16, April 16, 2008), Professor Tobias Larsson is presented as one of four finalists in the magazine’s national competition “Teknikstjärnan” (Technology Star), which is a search for people who are doing important work in the technical domain...

Ditra – Distributed collaboration

In the DITRA project for the region of Norrbotten in Sweden and Skeria Utveckling, a web based project portal together with graphical layout etc was created, and also participation in the design and development of the studio environments. Ditra aims to develop new and flexible ways to bridge distances via internet based communication. Download folder:  [Ditra PDF | 1.3 MB]

Time-location matrix

Online collaborative workspaces

This project for Designtech concerned a study of online collaborative workspaces. With online collaboration emerging as a key activity for companies and organizations working on a global arena, there are rapidly increasing demands for services that efficiently support collaboration in globally distributed teams. While making online collaboration a success is not an entirely new endeavor, it is probably a more...

Siemens-Elema X-ray

For Siemens-Elema, a seminar was put together to demonstrate possibilities with modeling and simulation to improve the product development. The seminar will demonstrate the potential of simulation in product development process. It offers a view of what can be done with computational tools in the current situation, highlighting the ways and methodsand to demonstrate trends in the field. The seminar focuses on the finite element analysis and dynamic analysis, but affects the development process as a whole, such as modeling, visualization and team-based work. It is thus part of the work on the...