
KK-stiftelsen satsar vidare på forskning!

För att öka svensk industris konkurrenskraft och för att utveckla framtidens hållbara produkt-tjänstesystem satsade BTH år 2013 på en forskningsmiljö kring innovativ produktutveckling. Satsningen kunde göras tack vare medel från KK-stiftelsen och ett antal samarbetsföretag. Nu har KK-stiftelsen beviljat en 3-årig fortsättning på profilen “model driven development and decision support” som leds av Professor Tobias Larsson.

Beslutsstödsmiljö för produktutveckling

En liten glimt in i den beslutsstödsmiljö för produktutvecklande företag som utvecklas inom forskningsprojektet “model driven development and decision support” tillsammans med våra forskningspartners. Förmåga att redan i konceptfasen, innan man bygger produkterna, kunna förstå kostnad, värde samt miljöpotential mm över hela livscykeln skapar enorma möjligheter att prova olika scenarios och lösningar.

Most Influential Qualities in Creating Satisfaction Among the Users of Health Information Systems: Study in Seven European Union Countries

ABSTRACT Background: Several models suggest how the qualities of a product or service influence user satisfaction. Models such as the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and Delone and McLean Information Systems Success demonstrate those relations and have been used in the context of health information systems. Objective: This study aimed to investigate which qualities foster greater satisfaction among patient...

Successful research on innovative product development

ince 2013, one of BTH´s focus area in research has been on innovative product development.Now after five years, an initial evaluation has been made and the results are very positive – the researchers have been active and it is high quality of scientific production.

Special Session “Model-Driven Decision Support for PSS” at CIRP IPS2

Marco Bertoni and Tobias Larsson are together with Giuditta Pezzotta and Fabiana Pirola of University of Bergamo setting up a special session on “Model-Driven Decision Support for PSS” at CIRP IPS2 that will be held in Hong Kong / Zuhai 2019. Deadline for proposals are Nov. 30th for full paper & abstract submission, more info here.

Welcome as industrial PhD candidate Martin Frank!

Martin Frank is an industrial PhD candidate at BTH. Working as Research Engineer within Emerging Technologies at Volvo Construction Equipment he’ll now “double” by doing his PhD with a focus on data-driven design for autonomous systems. Martin is contributing to, and doing research in, the KKS research profile “Model Driven Development and Decision Support“.

Volvo Ocean Race event with VCE Scaled Site

Centered around the idyllic backdrop of Newport, Rhode Island, Volvo Construction Equipment (VCE) was presenting a testament to their dedication towards the advancement of the construction industry. Over two days clients, customers and employees of VCE were exposed to tangible examples of how the company is continuing to be an innovation leader. VCE is making steady progress towards realizing their...

The decision theater, transforming data into knowledge in conceptual design

One success factor in engineering design is the ability to make effective and risk-managed decisions in a timely manner. Rarely is a single person sufficient to resolve today’s complex, connected issues. Rather, a group of stakeholders possessing required expert knowledge needs to be enrolled as these issues normally requires a wide variety of expert competences, transcending traditional disciplines. Where this...