
”Nya lärosäten har stort fokus på innovation”

IVA:s nya 100-lista lyfter fram tekniska och ekonomiska forskningsprojekt som kan utvecklas till innovationer och skapa samhällsnytta. På årets lista är var tredje projekt från högskolor och nya universitet.– Min bild av nya lärosäten är att de ofta har stort fokus på innovation, säger IVA:s vd Tuula Teeri.

Produktutvecklingsforskningen med på IVA’s 100-lista 2020!

Professor Tobias Larsson och teamet kring forskningsprofilen Model Driven Development and Decision Support är med på Kungl Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA’s 100-lista för 2020! Forskningsprojekten på listan bedöms ha potential att utvecklas till innovationer, affärsutveckling eller annan form av nytta. Med på listan är även Sophie Hallstedt med den forskning inom profilen som är riktad mot Hållbarhetsdriven Produktutveckling.

Innovation Engineering Capability sessions with Volvo CE

For over a decade the research collaboration has been going on with Volvo CE/AB Volvo with development of an innovation model, training, deployment and measuring, in order to increase the innovation capability of the organization and ultimately arrive at new solutions to the market in line with the Volvo vision.

Volvo CE Electric Site demo at EXCON 2019 in Bangalore

Volvo CE is making steady progress towards realizing their sustainable construction vehicle goals of zero accidents, zero emissions, zero unplanned stops and 10x increase in efficiency. The main strategies include Autonomization, Electrification and Site Optimization.

Congratulations Shahryar Eivazzadeh, PhD!

Today, Shahryar had a day of presentation and discussion as he defended his PhD thesis “Evaluating Success Factors of Health Information Systems” in front of family, friends and colleagues at Blekinge Institute of Technology. Shahryar was defending his thesis in the research subject of Applied health technology, and after the opponent Prof. Maria Lindén (Mälardalen University) had fired away it was up for the grading committee of...

VCE Electric Site Scaled Demo

Volvo CE is making steady progress towards realizing their sustainable construction vehicle goals of zero accidents, zero emissions, zero unplanned stops and 10x increase in efficiency. The main strategies include Autonomization, Electrification and Site Optimization. Through a strong partnership with Skanska, a full scale prototype site outside of Göteborg between will include all of these elements. This is an excellent...