
Digital Twins of Operational Scenarios in Mining for Design of Customized Product-Service Systems Solutions

Abstract The paper presents an approach, based on the development of digital twins, to support the transition toward electromobility and autonomy in the mining industry, by supporting the design space exploration of future operational scenarios based on different construction equipment and mining site configurations. With such an intent, the paper presents an approach combining systems and systems-of-systems simulations to run...

RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027

RESIST is a five-year project that has emerged from the need to make regions more resilient to climate change. The project will adopt a new practical framework in which climate adaptation pathways will be tested in four EU regions with different socioeconomic profiles: Southwest Finland, Central Denmark, Catalonia and Central Portugal.   Each region will test adaptation solutions to five key climate challenges: floods,...

Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024

The Virtual Production Studio Lab project is led by Blekinge Institute of Technology and will be a technically innovative arena and a place where the movie and gaming industry meets the traditional manufacturing industry and creates excellence in Blekinge. The VPSL will be the infrastructure foundation for a clustre within Virtual Production, and together with the business community do research...

ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023

The project will evaluate prospecting in lunar orbit and on the surface.  The study will consider mining and construction capabilities as well as in-situ processing of resources. The project is funded by Canadian Space Agency. Project info BTH project leader: Professor Tobias Larsson Time span: 2022-2023 Funding: $248,000 (Canadian Space Agency) Partners: Related links

Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025

The rock material industry is one of the 21 industries that participate and together these 21 cover more than 70 percent of the emissions in Sweden. Achieving the high environmental goals in rock material production requires not only a transition to fossil- and emission-free operations, but also new thinking in terms of process and new machine concepts. The approach is...

Wrapping up the Elektrifierad Infrastrukturbyggnation project

The “Elektrifierad Infrastrukturbyggnation” was a feasibility study conducted in close collaboration between Volvo Construction Equipment, Lund University and Blekinge University of Technology, funded by the Swedish Transport Administration. It aimed at investigating the conditions for carrying out major infrastructure projects emission- and fossil-free. The E20-Vårgårda-Bälinge road section was chosen as main case study in the project.

VaViM – Validation of virtual models used for simulation of autonomous vehicle systems | 2022

In order to achieve scalability and robustness, verification and validation (V&V) of self-driving vehicle systems need to be largely performed virtually. This requires validated models on sensors, vehicles and environments where the systems are to operate. The aim of this pre-study is to identify state-of-the-art (SoA) and high-priority research questions within methods for validating models required for virtual V&V of...

ASPECT – A System for Electric and Connected Transport Solutions | 2021-2024

Project ASPECT aims to, based on learnings from pilot Electric-Site, lift the technology to an energy optimized solution to scale in both volume and size. Focus for this project is within confined area. The project includes design of energy infrastructure, electric system on machines and site management system. Furthermore it includes validation of digital infrastructure for system, method and requirements...

TRUST-SOS – TRUSTed – Site Optimisation Solutions | 2021-2024

In the project we are developing digitalized services to increase the level of trusted decision making to optimise overall site systems in off-road transport applications. By developing data-driven models for real-time simulation and optimisation of customer site operations, combined with advanced data analytics, we move from the current experience-based process to a model-based process that will enable us to deliver...