
VIVACE – Value Improvement through a Virtual Aeronautical Collaborative Enterprise | 2004-2007

Value Improvement through a Virtual Aeronautical Collaborative Enterprise. An EU FP6 Integrated Project. 2004-2007 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY VIVACE is an Aeronautical Collaborative Design Environment with associated Processes, Models and Methods. This environment will help to design an aircraft and its engines as a whole, providing to the aeronautics supply chain in an extended enterprise, virtual products with all requested functionality...

Design for Wellbeing | 2004-

Innovations meet people. Design for Wellbeing redirects the focus of product development from technology-based development, via needs-based development, to participative product innovation. 2004- (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY The main objective of the Design for Wellbeing initiative is to enhance the wellbeing of persons with motion, sensory and cognitive disabilities by using their descriptions of needs in relation to assistive devices as...

ProViking I – Development of Functional Products in a Distributed Virtual Environment | 2003-2006

Foundation for Strategic Research via the ProViking research programme. 2003-2006 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY This research programme proposes to investigate the development of Functional Products, the development of integration between hardware, software and service. The research will be carried out in close collaboration with industry and in four work packages, all focused on the development of Functional Products but targeting different...

Functional Jet Engine Components | 2003-2007

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: NFFP490 – Functional Jet Engine Components 2003-2007 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY When selling a product today it contains much more than just hardware. Without a service part the product would be of no value for the customer. To be able to evaluate and choose the best concept the overall package need to be reconsidered. The...

Design for Fabrication | 2002-2005

VINNOVA programme “Effective Product Development” 2002-2005 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY The conceptual design phase is the perhaps most important phase, determining most functions and cost of the forthcoming product. Knowing that the concepts to a large extend also sets the manufacturing conditions; it is critical to take manufacturing process information into account in earliest possible stages. This project aims at providing...