
MERA DLP-E | 2007-2009

MERA – Manufacturing Engineering Research Area DLP-E – Digitally Linked Process control – Experience feedback 2007-2009 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY In this project, the academic research is joined with the industrial developments to reach a dominant process for component manufacturing and increase the industrial competitiveness through knowledge based production in Sweden. The aim is to develop a digital/virtual, and physical process...

ICED07 in Paris

2007-08: Tobias Larsson, Andreas Larsson, Peter Törlind, Ola Isaksson, Christian Johansson, Mattias Bergström and Åsa Ericson from the Division of Functional Product Development were some of approximately 560 attendees at the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 07, in Paris, August 28-30.

Functional Jet Engine Components | 2003-2007

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: NFFP490 – Functional Jet Engine Components 2003-2007 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY When selling a product today it contains much more than just hardware. Without a service part the product would be of no value for the customer. To be able to evaluate and choose the best concept the overall package need to be reconsidered. The...

NeedInn – Need Centered Product Innovation within E-health | 2005-2007

EC Regional Programme for Innovative Actions 2005-2007 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY Needfinding and innovation are the keywords of NeedInn. The goal for NeedInn is to create a method, a working process, which contributes to a need centered product development process within e-health. To make this happen we need to develop a way to find the needs and to make them more...

Participatory Product Innovation – P2I | 2007-2008

Shaping the Future of Global Design Research and Higher Education together with Stanford University 2007-2008 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY The overall aim of this framework is to decrease the negative impact of geographic distance on product development efforts and to further enhance current advantages of worldwide, multidisciplinary collaboration. The framework uses a three-layered approach to the advancement of global collaboration; with...

New research project within the MERA programme

New research project within the MERA programme

LTU fick ett nytt forskningsprojekt beviljat inom MERA-programmet (kallades innan Trollhätte-paketet) som syftar till att stärka svensk fordonsindustris konkurrenskraft. Projektet heter “Digitalt Länkad Processtyrning – Erfarenhetsåterkoppling DLP-E” och har Volvo Aero Corporation som huvudsökande. Partners är LTU, Volvo Aero, KTH, Högskolan Väst, Volvo Powertrain, Innovatum AB, UGS, Hexagon Metrology, Zooma by Semcon AB, Erixon och Bonthron, Celero. Projektets totala budget...

PIEp – Product Innovation Engineering Programme | 2006-2015

PIEp, Product Innovation Engineering Program is a Swedish national program with the purpose of strengthening the ability in innovative product- and business development. PROJECT SUMMARY PIEp, Product Innovation Engineering Program is a Swedish national program with the purpose of strengthening the ability in innovative product- and business development. PIEp encompasses the field from theory to practice, from research in innovation...

FLUD – Swedish Green Engine Demonstrator | 2006-2010

FLUD – Swedish Green Engine Demonstrator PROJECT SUMMARY New materials and design solutions shall make future aircraft engines more environmentally friendly. VINNOVA, together with Volvo Aero invests 126 million SEK in a national program to develop lightweight and fuel efficient engines. During the period 2000 to 2020 aerospace need to halve their carbon emissions. The industry has agreed on this....

Service Concept Design | 2005-2007

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4401 – Service Concept Design 2005-2007 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY The project aim at strengthen the aerospace industry competence within Functional Product Development. The approach is activity based modelling, simulation and visualization of hardware based services in the concept phase of the product development process. PROJECT INFORMATION Role: Project leader and supervisor Type: PhD research...

CASTT – Centre for Automotive Systems Technologies and Testing | 2005-2010

Centre for Automotive Systems Technologies and Testing 2005-2010 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY Through the Center for Automotive Systems Technologies and Testing, Luleå University of Technology aims to first of all support automotive winter testing in Northern Sweden. This means to support the local automotive test entrepreneurs and through them their customers: the car manufacturers and their suppliers. To succeed in this...