
How Covid-19 Enabled a Global Student Design Team to Achieve Breakthrough Innovation

Abstract A data analysis method based on artificial neural networks aiming to support cause-and-effect analysis in design exploration studies is presented. The method clusters and aggregates the effects of multiple design variables based This is a qualitative single case study of a geographically distributed student team that experienced a quite different graduate course, compared to previous year’s. This was due...

Chinese Product-Service System Innovations Enabled via Governmental Policies: The E-Scooter Case

Abstract Together with increasingly saturated and commoditized global markets companies are driven to shift their business focus, adopting a strategy where customer perceived value is in the spotlight, and where products are bundled with services to offer Product-Service Systems (PSS). In this research we study the emergence of PSS solutions in the Chinese market via a selected case study on...

Model-Driven Product Service Systems design: the Model-Driven Development and Decision Support (MD3S) approach

Abstract: The paper presents a Model-Driven approach for Product-Service System (PSS) Design promoting an increased digitalization of the PSS design process based on the combination of data-driven design (DDD) activities and value-driven design (VDD) methods. The approach is the results of an 8-year long research profile named (omitted for blind review) featuring the collaboration between (omitted for blind review) and...

Welcome as industrial PhD candidate Wu Peng!

Wu Peng is an industrial PhD candidate at BTH. Working as an R&D Engineer with Sanndvik Coromant he’ll now “double” by doing his PhD with a focus on developing mechanistic cutting force models based on testing and mathematical modelling.

Net based education for Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 – NU4DI | 2021-2023

The project aligns with the BTH strategy of enlarging the recruitment base for distance studies including national and international students, capitalizing on the engineering and pedagogical competencies developed during a pluriannual research profile on Model-Driven Development and Decision Support (MD3S). In line with the BTH strategic directions, the project shall be seen as the first step of a larger initiative...


Abstract A data analysis method based on artificial neural networks aiming to support cause-and-effect analysis in design exploration studies is presented. The method clusters and aggregates the effects of multiple design variables based on the structural hierarchy of the evaluated system. The proposed method is exemplified in a case study showing that the predictive capability of the created, clustered, a...

Ökad säkerhet och minskade utsläpp i gruvindustrin

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, BTH, och Volvo Construction Equipment ska tillsammans arbeta för att minska utsläppen och för att minska antalet olycksfall i gruvindustrin. Det ska ske genom användandet av autonoma system och helt elektriska maskiner. Till sin hjälp används digitala tvillingar för att simulera olika effekter – en modell som forskarna vid BTH tagit fram.

Nya arbetssätt för emissionsfri vägbyggnation

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH), Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) och Volvo Construction Equipment har tillsammans fått ett nytt projekt beviljat av Trafikverket. Det ettåriga projektet syftar till att demonstrera tekniklösningar för att kunna driva större infrastrukturbyggen 100 procent emissionsfritt genom att elektrifiera alla mobila maskiner som är involverade. Lösningen kommer sannolikt att innebära processförändringar och en del av projektet är att undersöka...

eTWIN – Digital-Twin enabled Transition into Electromobility and Autonomy in Construction Equipment | 2021

This project has demonstrated the capabilities of creating a digital twin of typical mining operations by combining the simulation of the energy consumption and performances of single electrical vehicles with specific productivity requirements and topographic configuration of the overall mining site. This allows the evaluation of the economic and environmental impact of the transition toward electromobility in mining, as well...